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House of Omen: The Indomitable Smitersmith

Chapter 3 Voyage To The Capital

Word Count: 1033    |    Released on: 19/03/2018




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ne had booked, he would receive a ticket and his name would be on the conductor's list. When the conductor requested for his name, he would

pital, he had been expecting something magnificent looking. Yet, right now, what came his

thought to himself. Darius was by nature a coward. He valued his life greatly and wanted to avoid anything that could possibly endanger h

, I said tell

of his stupor. "Uhm, ehem... sorry about

e first time he had heard a weird name. He grunted in approval and waved to Darius for him to ent

, a sharp whistle was emitted. Darius assumed this was a signal from the conductor to the driver, who was probably somewhere

r journey began. Darius began to quiver as the bus started moving at

fast before." Uttered another fr

g his paper: "If we arrived with our normal speed,

ure out where that sound came from. However, just like the other new passengers, he was unsuccessful. The pass

aying. He didn't know who or what he

n't let me


kind ever since. They came in many forms with many strange abilities, however they all had once thing in com

ere were only two existen

arriors who had the ability to challeng

e were expert craftsmen who were able to use the b

y other type of person in existence outside royalty! Darius knew that to be a spiritsmith, one needed to have two things: the firs

rement... was sp

as soon as one reached the age of 12. Darius was found to have below average spiritual affinity. This did not

was one chosen by those who were not that talented in terms of spiritual affinity. Darius believed he could make up for his lack of talen

was a very perverse young man. Unfortunately after his hammering sessions, he would never have the time or energy t

ould always inwardly s

eping with a woman while the curse was still

ahahahahahaha." In the bus Darius put on a smirk as he thought about what he would do when the curse

Darius was completely unaware of his surroundings. The constant shak

rrived at its

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