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Rabbit: A Talent Mark Novel

Chapter 4 Rabbit: A Talent Mark Novel

Word Count: 3190    |    Released on: 13/03/2018


work, " Harmony said. The other girls moved quickly to their work areas, returning

ore for you to work with. Is there anything else you need?" Ra

hed. I will have a cup and pitcher sent down." She glanced around the room. The others

ing a few personal items." Harmony's gaze darted to Rabbit's hair. "A comb to start, maybe?" She suggested. There was a muffled giggle f

ted forward to open it. Harmony passed through and Mouse once again closed the door. They listene

softly. Rabbit dipped her head in

and looked around the room. A few feet away from where she stood was a window. It was not the same type of window that dominated the front side of the keep and added sparkle to the fa?ade. This

side. There was a thicker band by the edges of the wooden mullions holding the glass in place and she frowned. It was certainly not her best work; however when she was finished the lower rows of the wi

ks of monitoring birds and storms and making the various creams, poultices and tinctures that a keep this size would

hile most focused on their own work, she still found the other girls watching her from time to time. She smiled softly to he

e, so it was not much of a problem and with time she had learned to ignore the observation. She supposed she had gotten used

ge, it also changed due to use. The other girls' marks had turned the brown of a freckle, but Rabbit guessed their ages to be mostly in their early twenties. For the marks not to darken until the age of 19

en her. She thought of the dress she wore. It had belonged to Badger a few years prior. Rabbit glanced at Badger as she submerged her hands in yet another box of dirt. She was

She was followed by an older woman wearing a plain dress with a stained apron tucked in over it. Rabbit guessed she was from

y and did not glance in their direction. Rabbit could see her hands shake a little. When the items were unloaded, the woman cur

n had turned over to the ponytailed man of the caravan. She didn't know the value of the coinage here but it was obviously a sizable investment. She then thought of the sparkle in Harmony'

he started with Mouse and seemed satisfied with the amount of work completed. Rabbit watched as Harmony continued around the room, surveying the progress done in her absence. Rabbit wished she would hurry. F

broken glass. "I can't wait to see how you fare with proper supplies." Rabbit smiled and bowed her he

red to the table and sliced the bread and cheese into even chunks. She then put each portion on a plate and gave each girl a pla

s soon as they were served. Rabbit was served last, either because she was new and had not established her place in the pecking order or because she was closest to the food table, she coul

e the circuit with the pitcher. Again Rabbit was last. When the pitcher was down and Mouse returned to her designated work station and meal, Rabbit picked up he

been told much of the outlanders subsisted on, nor was it what Rabbit would term fine white bread. I

m middle grade. It was sweaty and did not have as much cream blended in as she was accustomed to, but it had no mold and was pleasant to the taste. A

ll come here to get it as you seem to require it." The words were said kindly but firmly a

and refilled it again before resuming her meal. It made sense. A Stable master was charged with protecting the horses and ma

smiled in return. Harmony indicated the pitcher and Rabbit's cup were to be left on Rabbit's work station. The g

llow me." Rabbit nodded her understanding and picked up the few things she had managed to create. It was not much, as sh

had the feeling her creations would be inspected by Lord Tessian before she was given her instructions. Rabbit's heart began to thump almost painfully in her chest. Lord Tessian had not

fire worker and everyone else." Her heart calmed a little as her breathing regulated. The lessons she had been given since before she could w

g the door closed with her foot. Rabbit waited. The cold from the stone floor began to seep into her boots making her feet somewhat achy. Beyond the thick door, she could hear the sound of voices conversing. She guessed

like an eternity the door to Lord Tessian's rooms opened and Ra

she needed to go, Harmony stepped out of the room and closed the door behind her. She wondered if Harmony would wait in the hall as she had. Rabbit crossed the room, h

ins were of a study material that would stand up to many cleanings and were dyed a color t

nobles would have passed the worn chairs down to their lower ranking but favored leman, buying new instead. Rabbit wondered if this lack was due to monetary considerations or availability. She tur

low it in their closets. 'So availability might not be a factor. Or the trappings are inherited.' She let the matter fall for later consideration. Tess

stroke the pendant in much the same way as Harmony had. "In fact some of this is finer work than any I have seen in the Baronies. One might say it even

way. "But not as well as you are accustomed to?" Rabbit blinked. How would he know what she was accustomed to? If she allowed herself to speak she

h your silence." His tone was indulgent and he seemed almost eager to explain how he had made

girls wore when they were brought in. According to Harmony, you have displayed some of the manners of those accustomed to dealing with their betters and given the skill you display here, " he indicated the table with a w

nounced it different

ast day hmm?" Inwardly, Rabbit breathed a sigh of relief. The knot of fear loosened, leaving her feeling

consequence of course accustomed to many of the finer things, I am afraid that here things

roduction. However, if you continue to show the skill and talent you have displayed

ets she had produced. Greed sparkled in his eyes and understanding started to dawn. Lord Tessian thought she was a talented artist, hired by the wealthy and use

r than the others I will be happy, ' she thought. Rabbit

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