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Reincarnated As The Heroine?! I refuse!

Reincarnated As The Heroine?! I refuse!

Author: aquaseries

Chapter 1 NO.1

Word Count: 2585    |    Released on: 22/03/2018

med of their incoming excursion to a famous park. A

. Listing down the do's and dont's. As well as to remind everyone of their group allocation. Students were meant to wri

o negotiate

a maximum of 200

s Browns! And since you love me, pleas

al for you, Mrs Browns. My of

r option of not handing it in of course..." Flashing her beautiful smile, she continued. "But they will ultimately be

midst this ruckus, four particular students stood

y crowded by a bunch of girls fighting over t

number 14? Please


so desperate as thei

fraternal twin sister. Being in the same group, most male students tried to switch t

were sitting at the back quietly, they became hesitant. Then, as more and more students r

his mischievous appearance causing the males to remember his fame. He was quite different amongst the rest due to being part o

e glanced down to his seatmate who was quietly snor

felt like t


rom her and she continu

. Po

, he could feel he


rs Browns. Their expressions unreadable, while Mrs Browns could

. Po-ke. P

, but it was obvious the strength was nothing to

." Growled Lea, unearthing her ta

he crowd at front. "Tee-hee." He said, acting adorable wi

e, her classmates gazed at her fearfully. Even Mrs Brown silen

ly rose to her head, tainting

ent floor. And as quiet as a mouse, she meekly sat back down on her seat. She then rested her ha

. "Ha ha ha!! It was abou

ly ignor

tation, the rest slowly went back to their seats,

ered so only Bright could hear, "If

, sweetheart. Especially when we are gonna be spending loooots of time in the trip!" Fo

s central grounds. Students were divided by groups, given group tags a

his voice resounded, many young girls swooned a

rgetically. Her equally beautiful sister nodd

y ready, but dazed, he did not bother to wait for her response.

own creased his handsome face seeing a huge n

ile. Some girls covered their eyes due to his brig

in the bus." Spoken coldly, Raize tur

y sky, Lea quietly

st, she brought out a cute raincoat with cat ears and a tail. Seeing her adorable

fe Park a little late. It was still drizzling quite a bi

ew groups who decided to explore the park despite the weather. They

erything, the earlier

ind us a

ccompany yo

lost." Ordered Raize

up was set and they begun

described each habitat cheerfully whi

nt for fish and other small birds. Their name derives from the

in forests and tundra regions. Be careful when being preyed by

any are hunting them for seal skin. Sadly, there aren't enough

rs (obvious). Nevertheless, they are dangerous on the road due to their

uty of nature. Listening to the animals' sounds gave them inspiration, and they r

n upon seeing a set of benches. Ev

ics provided by mother earth. A smile laced her lips as her eyes clos

stood up towards the sound, leaving behind the rest of her group. She

ger roots of a tree by the lake shore. In front of her, a lake so huge like the ocean was in clear view. There was

er head to sleep, resting her

and they begun searching for her. "Crystal, could you bring the guide wi

t away, dragging the be

moving about, Bright f

oing?!" Raize im

ing around and waving his hand. This caused Raize a great displeasure. Messing up h

Ulla gave her assent and fol

er calf. Still expressionless, she realized the water has gone up. But before

and wider on the once calm lake. It was as if a

self closer and closer to the source. Not a fear can be

stracted her mysti

alized the water has gone way high since she first realized

life is, you can't

red due to the cold wat

you've beaten up will forgive you. Those you kill

length away, another voice

k has a hole, your underwe

and gasped. "Is this what the

loser to Lea and Bright a

e when they saw how pale Bright was and how deep and unfathomable Lea's eyes were. It was like a pair of love

, Raize and Ulla had to involve

ut..." Raize calmly said,

ions and conclusions of the

sudden, the ground beneath her collapsed. Ne

er, the rest struggled to swim towards the light as well. However, as they were forceful

away. However, Bright was consumed with the sudden fear of death and lose his consciousness. Ulla calmed herself

vely. Since Bright was closer to Lea, she swam fastidiously towards him. She swam upwards a

ed unconscious, but Ulla barely relieved herself from almost dying to asphyxia. When

ed Raize and Ulla into

action, she beat his chest enough to push up some water he accidentally dr

face, causing her f

shwater lake. The sun was up in the sky, and sou

ught another luggage.

cter Pr

gest territorial gangs in the city. Always placed 2nd place in the whole school examinati

ng at the sky, or fighting

Freshman to be the President of the Student Council. Many says he is rich due to all the el

elf, he is found to be

gh he ranks 15 within the whole school examinations, he is seen as dense by many. Still, he remains popular t

Thanks to this, several students in his club think he is a genius at tennis. Since even w

enuine lady behaviour. Many guys have stalked her, onl

nal. It is widely believed that she is d

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1 Chapter 1 NO.12 Chapter 2 NO.23 Chapter 3 NO.34 Chapter 4 NO.45 Chapter 5 NO.56 Chapter 6 NO.67 Chapter 7 NO.78 Chapter 8 NO.89 Chapter 9 NO.910 Chapter 10 NO.1011 Chapter 11 NO.1112 Chapter 12 NO.1213 Chapter 13 NO.1314 Chapter 14 NO.1415 Chapter 15 NO.1516 Chapter 16 NO.1617 Chapter 17 NO.1718 Chapter 18 NO.1819 Chapter 19 NO.1920 Chapter 20 NO.2021 Chapter 21 NO.2122 Chapter 22 NO.2223 Chapter 23 NO.2324 Chapter 24 NO.2425 Chapter 25 NO.2526 Chapter 26 NO.2627 Chapter 27 NO.2728 Chapter 28 NO.2829 Chapter 29 NO.2930 Chapter 30 NO.3031 Chapter 31 NO.3132 Chapter 32 NO.3233 Chapter 33 NO.3334 Chapter 34 NO.3435 Chapter 35 NO.3536 Chapter 36 NO.3637 Chapter 37 NO.3738 Chapter 38 NO.3839 Chapter 39 NO.3940 Chapter 40 NO.4041 Chapter 41 NO.4142 Chapter 42 NO.4243 Chapter 43 NO.4344 Chapter 44 NO.4445 Chapter 45 NO.4546 Chapter 46 NO.4647 Chapter 47 NO.4748 Chapter 48 NO.4849 Chapter 49 NO.4950 Chapter 50 NO.5051 Chapter 51 NO.5152 Chapter 52 NO.5253 Chapter 53 NO.5354 Chapter 54 NO.5455 Chapter 55 NO.5556 Chapter 56 NO.5657 Chapter 57 NO.5758 Chapter 58 NO.5859 Chapter 59 NO.5960 Chapter 60 NO.6061 Chapter 61 NO.6162 Chapter 62 NO.6263 Chapter 63 NO.6364 Chapter 64 NO.6465 Chapter 65 NO.6566 Chapter 66 NO.6667 Chapter 67 NO.6768 Chapter 68 NO.6869 Chapter 69 NO.6970 Chapter 70 NO.7071 Chapter 71 NO.7172 Chapter 72 NO.7273 Chapter 73 NO.7374 Chapter 74 NO.7475 Chapter 75 NO.7576 Chapter 76 NO.7677 Chapter 77 NO.7778 Chapter 78 NO.7879 Chapter 79 NO.7980 Chapter 80 NO.8081 Chapter 81 NO.8182 Chapter 82 NO.8283 Chapter 83 NO.8384 Chapter 84 NO.8485 Chapter 85 NO.8586 Chapter 86 NO.8687 Chapter 87 NO.8788 Chapter 88 NO.8889 Chapter 89 NO.8990 Chapter 90 NO.9091 Chapter 91 NO.9192 Chapter 92 NO.9293 Chapter 93 NO.9394 Chapter 94 NO.9495 Chapter 95 NO.9596 Chapter 96 NO.9697 Chapter 97 NO.9798 Chapter 98 NO.9899 Chapter 99 NO.99100 Chapter 100 NO.100