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Chapter 9 No.9

Word Count: 4421    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

r to commence s

thes to be selected and made just as Pauline's are. Will you a

arrange it. You intend to dr

hool with Pauline, and Hansell will give her music lesso

ft the room. His sister followed him t

hat little affair for Pauline?

u please, May

y I?" Almost out of breath, Pauline ran up the steps; her long h

rope, rushing over the flower-beds as if there were no walks." He po

e. I say, may I?-may I?" She e

before you

-day. Do, please, le

laxation," said he, looking down into her radi

n and Mazeppa I should be moped to death. Do, pray, don't look at me as if

dy with your Babel, and don't allow your company to demolish my flowers. Mind, not a soul is to enter the greenhouse. The parlors are at your

end his invitation I will write on the envelope 'the writing-desk is also expected.' Hey, shadow, where did you creep from?" She fixed her mer

nt anythin

ou had gone. May I op

me." His pale features relaxed, and his whol

h venerable poplars and cedars, and opened the large ga

pend the day? Remember you commence with school d

o occupy me to-d

y smiles were such rare things in this world, when they cost so little, and yet are so very valuable to mourning hea

I am to have my

your account," answ

cy dances? I don't like an

t dance

s big enough to crawl! What have you been doing

companion; and, as the recollections of her early

forlorn all the time. I will ask Uncle G

ashamed to start from home as ignorant of my lessons as you are." Mrs. Chilton's head wa

got used to it," answered the daught

for school

bonnet and sachel; and, fixing her eyes

What did you follow my brothe

m," replied the girl, looking st

us. You must keep away from the flower beds too. The doctor wishes no one prowling a

, drawing up her slender form to its

I shall not trespass

ns swept back to their place

never will get on smoothly. What freezing eyes she has, and what a disagreeable look there is about her mouth whenever she sees me! She wishes me to remember a

graver, and often his stern abstraction kept her silent when they were together. Monday was the birthday, and on Monday morning she expected to start to school. Madam St. Cymon's was the fashionable institution of the city, and thither, with Pauline, she was destined. Beulah rose early, dressed herse

sel yet? I hear the Grahams are terribly anxious abo

t, May, be sure

Morning Star'

e, with her hands extended pleadi

hed the place of destination. But there are numerous ways of accounting for the detention, and you must hope and b

said she, in a strangely

you mea

ble come on eve

is safe arrival. You need not dive down into my eyes in that way. I do believe it, for the vessel was seen after the st

ome horrid phantom, and, while her heart seemed dying on th

the face of Deity, and she had felt his presence, her petition could not have been more importunately preferred. For a few moments Dr. Hartwell regarded her curiously; then his brow darkened, his lips curled sneeringly, and a mocking smile passed over his face. Mrs. Chilton smi

eve that the God you

promised to

and she rose quickly, while again and again his words rang in her ear. Yet, what was there so strange about this application of faith? True, the Bible declared that "whatsoever ye ask, believing, that ye shall receive," yet she had often prayed for blessings, and often been denied. Was it because she had not had the requisite faith, which should have

ears at school, and then I shall st

whirlwind for a companion. Can't you learn to enter a room without

at ails you, Beulah? Come along to breakfast. How nice you look in

breakfast. You annoy your unc

. If ever I have a house of my own, I mean to paste in great letters over the doors and windows, 'Laughing and talking freely allowed!' This is my birthday, and I think I might stay at

e you going to wear

the parlors at all,

, suffering expression of the gray eyes, and bit his lip with vex

my party," said Pauline slowly; and as sh

auline; but I do not

ow anybody if you make

e must come down into

ave shown her you desire her presence." He put his hand on her curly hea

e was something repulsive in that even voice, and she hurried from the sound of it. Kneeling beside her bed, she again implored the Father to restore Eugene to her, and, crushing her grief and appre

s torturing. Madam St. Cymon was a good-natured, kind, little body, and received her with a warmth

take the Latin course. For the present, my dear, you will s

ward and led Beulah to a seat at her desk, which was constructed for two persons. The touch

f angelic sweetness and purity in her countenance which fascinated the orphan. She remarked the scrut

and dare say we shall get on ver

regained my strength. Can you tell me where

ter. She drank it eagerly, and, as Clar

you! You ar

et me know." She turned to her books and

and in the shaping of the mouth there was something very like Lilly's. Soon Clara left her for recitation, and then she turned to the new books which madam had sent to her desk. Thus passed the morning, and she started when the recess b

lling you," sa

want anything." And Beulah

better than you

gh in body; a littl

ose you lean your head agai

indeed; but I am

he progress of the sketch. Suddenly a hand was placed over the paper, and a

on a piece of drawing-paper? Come over to my seat and work out that eighth pr

" Taking out her Euclid, she found

all thorough nonsense. Now, with you it is very different; you expect to be a teacher, and of course will have to ac

chool days are the happiest, and feel sa

and Cornelia moved away to her seat


he not ver

d to follow her and ask all the particulars of the storm. Thus ended the first dreaded day at school, and, on reaching home, Beulah threw h

ve the white faces of the drifting dead stood Mrs. Grayson, sailing away with Lilly struggling in her arms. Eugene was sinking and Beulah could not reach him; he held up his arms imploringly toward her, and called upon her to save him, and then his head with its wealth of silken, brown locks disappeared. She ceased to struggle; she welcomed drowning now that he had gone to rest among coral temples. She sank down-down. The rigid corpses were no longer visible. She was in an emerald palace, and myriads of rosy shells paved the floors. At last she found Eugene rep

Beulah, that you s

up, and leaned her hea

le dream!" She shuddered, and clung to him tight

ill try to exorcise this evil spir

ision, her enraptured soul hovered on the very confines of fabled elysium. Sliding from the couch, upon her knees, she remained with her clasped hands pressed over her heart, only conscious of her trembling delight. Once or twice before she had felt thus, in watching a gorgeous sunset in the old pine grove; and now, as the musician seemed to play upon her heart-strings, calling thence unearthly tones, the tears rolled swiftly over her face. Images of divine beauty filled her soul, and nobler aspirations than she had ever known took possession of her. Soon

u! I can bear

how the music strengthe

moments, and answ

out this music, I thought how very noble man was, and what he was capable of doing; and, at last, I was glad because God has given me some of these powers; and, though I am ugly, and have been afflicted in losing my dear love

ngers were thrust through his hair. His brow was smooth, and his mouth at rest, but the dark eyes, with their melancholy splendor, looked down at her mo

r, can

on her head, a

at be,

you no

t as he left her It has been said, "Who can refute a sneer?" Rather ask, Who can compute its ruinous effects. To that kneeling figure came the thought, "If he, surrounded by wealth and friends, and blessings, cannot believe in God, what cause have I, poor, wretched, and lonely, to have faith

reams, if you please. Good-night, Beulah. Whenever you feel that y

, and, awed by the expression of his countenance, she said "Good-night," and hurried away. The merry hum of childish voices again fell on her ear, and as she ascended the steps a bevy of white-clad girls emerged from a

sorrow's brimming cup to drain?" But the sweet voice of Faith answered, "What I do, thou know

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