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Prey World - Organized Rage

Prey World - Organized Rage


Chapter 1 No.1

Word Count: 1923    |    Released on: 06/07/2018


Alexander Merow`s "Prey World" series. The novel

is just a guy, who loves science-fiction and dystopias. So try not to laugh at some of the translated phrases,

at he will also find some new readers in the English-speaking countries. Furthermore, we

ries will be published in Germany. And we will also translate "Prey World IV – Counterrevolution" in the next months. Anyway, have

ays rem

t "Prey World" is nothing bu

and Thorsten W


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, and will say: "That Tschistokjow is nothing but a little worm, because

et that I have a lot of very strong allies! My allies are: poverty, hunger, discontent,

They have lived in the great illusion of freedom and wealth. And a false freedom and a deceitful wealth ha

gift of millions of Europeans who have nothing to lose anymore. They force the people to fight and sort out the cowards and we

Way of the Rus", chapter X

ings the light of civilization to other continents, he writes down the greatest works of philosophy, he invents planes and spaceshi

e Way of the Rus", chapter

a dog and crawl through its coat to find a place to suck blood - all

host dry and kill it, because nature didn`t also give the tick the skill to reign. And it is the same

he Way of the Rus", chapt

alicious hate of the world enemy s

of the Rus", chapter VII, "The


ern part of the Belarusian city of Vitebsk. Artur Tschistokjow, a tall man of 31 years, sat at his shabby

ad come to Belarus and intensively searched for him. This was no pleasant situation. But here, in this gray ghetto of apartment blocks, full of poverty and dreariness, they would not find him. Tschistokjow was not registered a

eighbors as a shadow, when he sneaked along the corr

in a time of total surveillance. Artur Tschistokjow had just vanished, living a ghostly life

vodka. This life was painful, but it was still better, than being caught and liquidated. Artur stroked through his stringy, blond hair and his long face with the pointed chin

s sad life behind those curtains? Perhaps a man who was just as unhappy as Tschistokjow

es. Peter was 34 years old and a craftsman. A few months ago, he had moved to Vitebsk, together with Artur, and lived now in a small apartment in th

rej and Igor!", he said. "Both have distributed ou

tered Artur, falling b

remarked Peter, pulling a thi

Tschistokjow examined ever

the new administration tax is on the cover page.

mrades that they have to be more careful, when they distribute our pro

y in estates of prefabricated houses. In quarters like this, we will get the mo

bout the

e in print", re

ur tried to smile again and went straigh

tickers too!", ans

let them print as fast as possible", s

ey have shown a picture of you and asked th

r!", the blond man returned quietly

Nothing important, but meanwhile they know us! And th

rmured Tschistok

r Saturday. What`s about your s

ow enough things to say. This is

ter said goodbye and l

clock!", he finally whispered

n during the meeting on Saturday. He prayed that everything would run smoothly, because even a little gatherin

n of Belarusian resistance fighters who wanted to liberate their homeland from the tyranny of the World Government. At that time, he had still

owed their traces and would not rest until Tschistokjow was in their hands. The enemy knew

been called a "terrorist" and a "dangerous lunatic". Furthermore, they had put a bounty on

tment by day, he had to creep out like a

the police had already visited him. The young man shunned the inner city o

d heard nothing from them since months. But to look for his parents and his brother, would have been some kind of suicide. Because of all this, his hatred had grown enormously, but he still felt helpless. Although an increasing number of

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