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Chapter 3 ~3~

Word Count: 1531    |    Released on: 18/07/2018

a pocketknife and a lighter, for extreme situations. Also I have stuffed my sleeping bag in the little space I had left. The night temperature is still quite chilling. I am

l little excited about this event, I know it will be fun. With Silv

r werewolfs have gathered already. I can spot around ten of them already and I

er!" I wa

ou will not regret by joining us." Silver w

ogue – a weird name I think. I have spotted him in a city before, but have never been so close to him. Like everybody from a family of our leader, he is gi

nspect each individual. His green eyes land on me and I feel his stare is burning holes in my skull. Being the lowest ranking in this group, I cannot take a pressure anymore and avert my gaze on the gravel beneath my feet. I have never been in

OK with me being here, hi

re?" Rougue shouted over

are going. For past few weeks Silver

run up to her with tiny st

e looked at me quetionabl

hought y

showed, that s

s. He suppose to


ut I felt like we all are following him like blind sheep.


wolf form we would cover the distance much faster. Wouldn't it be easier to shift and leave me behind? I am s

I am sure some of us are tired."

e. I did not feel comfortable even being here with t

pine forest surrounding us. It smelled nice, so fresh. Rain have fallen recently, leaving th

d scewered rabbit meat. I guess they have hunted t

smile to die for. As I was sitting on the ground, his

I sit beside y

d gestured him tha

around...... I am Jeff....Jeffrey for

" I repli

ial name have be


know what


as the same kind of name taken from our old language.... K

with the old language." I felt c

igh ranking werewolfs have

you a

nder Alexa

etty high

ks in our pack. It is... annoying... that eve


mega. We, who are on the top, have so many rules and customs to fo

not eas

ith her!" Rogue shouted at my companion, while returning to a camp site. Somehow I got a feeling he h

ff barked back. "Mat

t. I haven't fou

ewhere out there, ju

sure.... if

e sentence, as Jeff's eyes and others were straight focused on him. "I have some things to tell you all

led the air, no one talked. We all wer

h to cypress swamps.

es sharing questioning glances, but Jeff's sta

e?" Jeff finally spoke." That place is

now why?" Rog


u want to

swamp can be so dangerous, that we can't even ste

her voices joined

t anything we have seen in this life. No one ...... have ever returned f

believe me. We will go there and show everybody else in our pack, that nothing lives there. Might be some wild animals, maybe w

ing a battle in his

about this silly tale, made my skin crawl. She said, that things happening in tha

ck home? Or is it really just an old useless ta

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