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Chapter 5 ~5~

Word Count: 1308    |    Released on: 18/07/2018

ud and puddles. Some trees, dead looking, sprouted out from the wet forest floor. I

All of us were exhausted, it was hard to walk through these kind of conditions

ce and take a rest. My legs a

n this forest." Rogue informed us,

essed on our way, trees became larger and wider, but still very lifeless. The roots were spreading

es that were satisfied, seemed to be frogs and toads, who basked lazily on the surface of dead leaves. None

on surface of water as well on dump earth. Swamp became spooky looking and it gave

group. We turned around and SURPRISE! It was only Rogue's be

scare you?" he s

o it again!" one of the gir

noticed fog getting thicker and thicker by every passing minut

osquitoes were gone too. Not a single s

hear that?" Derek stop

" Rogue said and attempted to

he sound?" his best frien

shadow. It came closer, but it was still hard to see i

ly neared us. It's silhouette broke through

tly in anticipation

aced back on solid ground. We were surprised, but this creature did not seem to be. It was not scared of us a bit, of us – 15 young an

His coat was thick and dark, a mane on his shoulder blades was longer than on ordinary wolf's, wet and sticking out like sharp spikes. His eyes.... so black

e hair on my back stand up. I was frozen in fear, but

nds passed, which seemed like long lasting minutes

ot of a scared animal. A black wolf finally moved his head, carefully checking out every indivi

my inner wolf talk to me, but it was only on

this animal really be my

it. For some reason I did not feel excited or happy. Everything of that was smothered with suffocating fear. I was sure it is not how it's suppose t

t ahead. He left in complete silence, no growling, no snarling from his part or any other sound. Even as his paws touched the water, it left no trace of sound after

issed myself!" one guy b

o fear about. He left anyway. Stupid animal

, but I could not make myself forget the feeling I had seei

ce with no water to make a f

ff's voice came from somewhere in the fog

in front of us and our frien

leep, if I will be able to relax myself. My lim

while others made a fire. We were soaked to the bon

near me with her mate

wolf clearly said 'mate', I am not mistaking it. I did not imagine it. Or maybe I did

e and paired me with a wild animal?

ecognize each other fr

unnerving. Who was it, or

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