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Accidental Roommate

Accidental Roommate


Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 1770    |    Released on: 11/09/2018

of the luggage and trolleys rolling could be heard, adding to the cacophony. All of which made Sharon Ashwood'

s, she tried to find the familiar faces of her sister, Amelia Ashwood Garnet, or her brother-in-law, Scott Garnet. Being 5'4", she was not able to see over the crowd. And the constant bumps and sho

e began to roll her suitcase to the taxi stand. Her lips began to tug down as she reflected that this was j

ission and decided to take her phone out. This was going to be a long wait and she did not want to be left to the

out of juice. Her level of horrified and despair were at odds with the situation but the tears weren't going to be held back this time. This was the last

ned around and found herself facing an older, distinguished-looking Caucasian man. He was wearing some kind of uniform and had an impatien

e in New York, apart from the two people who weren't there. So while her first instinct w

it. She watched him intently. However, the moving line diverted her attention and when she looked back at the man, she was surprised to find a phone being shoved into her face.

n, did you f

sked in disbeli

ound you in time. Sorry I wasn't able


't he tell you?" Frowning at the phone,

he Brian guy said but he stepped back when she glared at him. She d

iniscent of MJ and a stick up his butt?" She ignored the

also be wearing a suit. That's his usual attire

people queueing and get out of the line. "You know a heads up would have been nice." Usually, she was the mellower sister but she was so tired and sad and disap

gry?"Amelia shot back, further flaming Sharon's anger. She didn't even notice the dirty look the people were giving her.

"she shouted and hung up. That was when she noticed the people looking at her, staring at her like she had grown another head. Her usual r

wanted to be anywhere but there, she didn't have any other place lined up. And she had given her word to Scott that she would use the place to think. Even though she had bee

ight now, she didn't want


to question why Brian had to tap a card before he could press the floor number. Nor had she noticed that he was pressing a button with only a P. But she definitely noticed that ther

very minimalistic air. The furnitures included a black, leather couch set, a vintage brass, glass coffee table and side table set and black,

d black cupboards and cabinets. There was an added metallic sheen as the handles and stove a high quality stainless steel. The appliances added to the metallic sheen as most of them were of one metal or another.

apartment a lot. They had an apartment that was in the central part of Manhattan. This apartment was at the outskirts of Manhattan, nearing Queens, making it close

she knew Amelia was going to get too much into her business if they had stayed in the same apartment. Her mood immediately

irvana. It was her savior. It was her knight in shining armor. Her hands absently drawing her love out, she was surpris

black Visa card. W

and took a seat at the island. Her hands shaking, she took out the

ut I bought the next best thing. Your favourite ice cr

you've had thrown at you the past few days. So don't look a

see you once



b, she wondered whether she had permanently

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