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Accidental Roommate

Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 2289    |    Released on: 11/09/2018

n from the side of her eyes, she grew angrier when he didn't react. Which surprised her. She had

tively waking her up. But she had been reluctant to get out of bed. Then he had barged into her room and tried to reason with her. Reminding her of their bargain. When that didn't work, he had grabbed her and deposi

ble turquoise blouse, black blazer and pants. They were perfectly fine and professional. Albeit they we

im and smiled sweetly. "Well, I hope they are offen

lazer. And it's so masculine. What if your interviewer is someone who likes their woman more womanly? Not

'll definitely get me the job, "she said, ending with gritted teeth. Her eyes were fixed on the windscreen; she was so angry with him for pok

e over, pausing at her chest and hips. It seemed the burn her, flattered her. It also flustered her. She hadn't been the su

-first century. I don't have to dress up for the interviewer. I have my qualifications and experience. If that is

's fair, "he


stopped in front of a tall building, practically a skyscraper. And it was definitely

their bargain, she hadn't expected the level of care and concern he was expressing. It was more than just an

, we're

e unclasped her seatbelt and opened the door. Then she paused. Before she could overthink it, she turned to him and kissed his cheek

ed down by the time sh


issed him. He could feel her lips, even now. It was soft and supple. The scent of her perfume, floral

e couldn't believe a woman was occupying so much of his mind. And it was just a simple peck on his cheek. He had done more with other woman and they had barely made a blip in his attention spa

r and was currently waiting for Sharon. Even though he knew she believed he had only dropped her off before meeting his agent. Maybe he coul

she'd entered. Something in him didn't want her to be alone when she'd left. He wanted to be ther

ad a feeling the interview hadn't gone well. Something in him wanted to go up and make it all better fo

r to the elevator that led to the carpark. Amusement briefly replaced his worry when he felt her jump slightly and it was then replaced with contentment when she

prescription but it tricked people into thinking he did and made them doubt when they recognised him; he had 20/20 vision, a fact that was widely reported in the news. He hated having to wear the disguises. It always itches and made him feel claustrophob

s opened then and he guided her in. Luckily, there were no other occupants. Positioning her body so that she was facing him, he tried to lift her face up but she resisted, sharply turning her head a

tor stopped. But she had to pause since she didn't know where his car was. That gave him the opportunity to catch up with her and grasped her

ed, he led her to his car and even slammed his door when he entered. That indicated his level of exasperation; his car, a Chevrolet Corvett

"At first, it was fine. The interviewer and I, we built a good rapport. I was killing it with my answers and, for once, I didn't stutter or had a brain fart moment. But once all the questions were asked an

arkness of the his car, he could see the tears falling from her eyes and couldn't stop his hand from covering hers as the

d, but she still wouldn't look at him. But he didn't mind

you didn'

'll keep the offer on the table for a few days. He sounded so condesc

him a reprimanding look. Then his eyes caught the

s really hoping I'd get it. She keeps talking about how good the company i

that were flowing down her cheeks again. It bordered on hate. He wished he'd never asked the question but was surprised at how easy it was to soothe her. The words were fl

is such a difficult co

r eyes finally connected with his and he was glad

's a two-way street. And I didn't really like the interviewer. He was a creep, "she said wi

you mea

uch." He didn't like that. He was about to ask more when she sent him a shy smile. "Tha

using humor to hide the unexpected shyness that

the subject. The smile lingered on his lips. He wanted to

id, releasing her hand unwilli

gine. She tapped his arm and then pointed to his seat belt. He liked that she cared about h

have anything planned

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