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Her Delinquent Boyfriend

Her Delinquent Boyfriend

Author: Lina Bell

Chapter 0 How Did All Begin

Word Count: 420    |    Released on: 02/10/2018

times by the high school youngsters.

there while the majority, whereas it was by pressure or by the motivation to fulfil their more desired dream

th an unfocused gaze. She had tried her best to study by herself in her room but it had passed an hour and she hadn't flipped a

pening rather frequently. It couldn't be helped

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mind for the past hour and no answer had been given to any of them. But being left without a r

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into reason, she will always end up remembering a pair of deep and bott

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they always like that?' At length, she though

the big window that was beside her bed as she untied her bun with one of her h

bbed her temples as she looked at the sunny sk

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