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Fateful Encounter

Chapter 2 Land of the Rising Sun

Word Count: 1126    |    Released on: 11/10/2018

f minutes, muttering a silent prayer. She then gets out of the bed, went to the window and

hat's more, instead of rice farms, she saw skyscrapers everywhere! Lots of cars and people w

d books on her luggage, she actually doesn't need to buy that much, except for food. Everything she needs is in her room. It was just a small room, with a bed good for one person, a cupboard, an aircon

poured herself a steaming brewed coffee. She sme

verything is so conve

th floor. The building has 15 floors, where the first 7 floors are designated for male students, and the r

ed long sleeve tops and a scarf on her neck, with casual jeans and sneakers. She had her back

ill take her about 20 minutes to walk on foot. There is a train that stops near the university main gate but she did not dare to since she still doesn't know how to use the system here. She never rides a train before! Also, she enjoyed so mu

he met other foreign students like her. After some introduction with the Japanese teacher, they started the class, which was so interesting for her. Ivy has been fascinated with Japan since she was a little c

ndsome, in some way. He has deep set of eyes, thick eyebrows a

?", she smiled too, showing a tiny dim

peechless fo

ternoon, right?". He was walking at her side as they go outside the room to the

k around the university to familiarize herself with the surroundings instead of hav

different one after that. How about you, will you stay here?" she asked, while they were walking and without looking at him. They just finished buying a bread and water from the shop and were

il I finish my program". There was a hint of sadness in his voice

don is here for his PhD, and he is only 3 years older than her. He said that he is an only child, and a veterinarian by profession. What's m

ach other. There was a deep frown on his noble face while a lady beside him was telling him his schedule

He crisply or

bowed and walked towards whe

her face very clearly; her scent still lingers on him everywhere he went. He thought of him holding her

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