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Brother and Sister


Word Count: 1082    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

morning. "I judged so, because it was one o'clock before I could leave Dad's offi

Brother. They had both forgotten they mea

ap. I made Dad tell me the mysterious reason of the wait, and when you didn't 'phone in

opic. "It is the nicest dog, Ralph. And I

station, Brother and Sister began to have queer feelings.

ster, drawing pictures on the tablecloth with a fork

Brother. "Let's go ou

ng up a cup so carelessly that some of the cof

rother crossly. "I guess we can just pla

talking so long about?" de

-room door and inspect

e that cup and stop marking the cloth. Run off and play, both of you, till you

. They ought to have felt happy with the extra time for pla

t we do. Louise and Grace are sewing, and Mother is goi

t she knew that Jimmie had said they were not to touch them, and indeed Daddy Morrison had

"They know how to use the apparatus, and you don't. When you are

ly at the rings when

ie?" she aske

udying," answered

d now spent part of every vacation day studying so that he

t Jimmie was not likely to walk in upon

ll, so that when not in use they did not take up any room. Jimmie could

" announced Brother confid

owest step to hold it steady. Her weight was not enough to anchor the ladder, and it still shook crazily when

up to now?" a voi

to the barn to get a book he

shed the wobbily ladder and over it went, carrying

ns?" Jimmie scolded vigorously as he

on the floor. The boys used them when on the apparatus in case they fell. Brother was not

less inclined to leniency with the performances of Brother and Sister. "Next time you

ame relu

rying to do?" sa

swinging rings," an

"Everybody's busy and no one wants to play. And y

e of it. And you're going to stay out if I have to put a padlock on the door

rom her side of the hedge. "Betty! Com

ister ran tow

" shouted Jimmi

ack at him. H

elings?" he

led and Bro

hey chuckled and ran

hem that they really could not be expected to be always pleasant and never quarrel, but every d

eir own to play in," said Jimmie to himself

for the present he me

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