ily disdaini
sun, too ind
rkens for night's barbecue, A feast of moon and men and
eyes and cane
n making folk-song
And silence breaks the bud of knoll and hill,
promise of a
he pyramidal
ghosts of tre
ps and stumps
oof of forme
s of king and caravan, High-priests, an ostrich, and a
ees are guitars, Strumming, pine
ise. . the cho
a vesper t
sinous and so
virgin lips to cornfield concubines, Bring d
nto her eyes.
d plaintive r
erever your g
ested, it immedi
direction of he
own slightly da
ird's wing mi
her upper lip.
ht her eyes, I c
quiline, Semit
cantor sing, if
your owm sorr
ith his, you va
w the curves of
to their common
n this, that th
othing that was
one could see,
nothing was to
you will have o
yes desired no
; there was no
d. Men saw her
n's eyes said t
n she was you
t no joy from it
bound to her (qu
other girls), f
a lifetime to fu
y could find n
to her, and hung
trace of what s
new men who ca
one did who eve
be denied. Me
her their bodie
tired of them, I
the life of her s
began to turn
rifling thing to
her, baffled
elves that some
ng for her : sen
m it came from, Watch out for
ething with no
ed it to her, re
who had tricke
u know, men ar
ich they cannot
be a woman. S
act was that th
ion crept into th
omehow above t
t she was not
became a virg
thern town is
you will belie
to mate is the
arly, black fol
s black folks
hus far. What w
rrive at only b
er al
se, could see h
alked up the D
, you'd be most
ing of her porch, Back propped ag
there was a na
e her head cam
she never took t
if it were suns
molten and glor
he fringe of p
he gray cabin o
ng folk-song w
wed a cow that
d feed on cotton
not they'd set
orizon, though h
If it were dusk, Then they'd w
hich you could
lared across the
erever they loo
waver back. Li
e seemed to flow
with the soft l
th. A young N
, spellbound,
ng in a buggy h
f he was to get
I first saw her
th a fellow wh
m the North and
and stuck-up) w
I asked him w
was all that I
s already thou
round; I let it g
re concerned. B
if I heard a Je
ng rose above t
And I felt bou
something I wo
about from to
w the futility
picture if you
girl sitting at
the indifferent
she listen to f
would say, and
e came up Nort
r a lawyer, say
along - that is
o have had exp
ve is not a thi
ttered by chang
on, Chicago, or
en of Georgia,
by the bestowal
know men in th
hey could not.
along State Str
to a southern t
aggressive. S
oncubine. . .
ere was myself
lk, of course.
s upon new hor
what for? Her
to lose their s
uched her. I ask
nce if you sit i
es her road), What thoughts wou
with the though
the sight of a
them; what tho
seen her in a
, as she sat th
in thundered
the next stati
ke her where?
otten her as so
adena, Madison, Chicago, Bos
sweetheart about
an help me, and
ng I would do
ike on purpose, And stopped t
t they moved a
f I knew how t
Miss So-and-S
nefit, rabbit and possum hunting, The new soft drink they had a
gro's migrati
the Bible - to
sur or nassur,
an to wonder i
ility had played
e a walk, " I at
coming after s
enough, I gues
at. Something t
id just that as
r bodies. I trie
nk she underst
ade my throat c
a way I'd thought, But never s
he porches gapi
d?" She meant
ple. She mean
ripe for cutting, The branch
reddish leaves
we sat down. D
erceptible pro
ith a purple haz
as I always do
sk. I felt that
ibly immediat
me had I had
orgia more ofte
ck woman once
ew her in charco
When one is on t
anything can c
abit, I suppose