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An Uncertain Present

Chapter 4 The Shadow Market of Alicante

Word Count: 4336    |    Released on: 03/01/2020


e first time she'd ever been to the one in Alicante. Despite being in it

ore. Pippa never understood why the nephilim had stopped using the Shadow Market after she and her siblings had left the group behind. The

blue tents held kegs of moonshine, lunar essence, and dream catchers. The werewolf couple that worked their had tried to pass her off a f

one such keg to investigate, only to find -much to her own personal relief- that it was cow's blood, not of human origin. One wouldn't thin

ssibly think of. Each blade was neatly cleaned to gleam in the morning light of a new day. Her green gaze was particularly drawn to a set of

ght your eyes young miss?" An ol

hundred years old, nor would they suspect that she knew the creator of these blades quite well.

e written in German- Harry's favorite language at

late that. Wayland the Smith sure had

face before. The few freckles that marred his chin said otherwise though, as did the mole resting in the corner of one

does." Pi

out to touch the other blade, pulling it down from the wrack with practiced ease. Only by doing so was Pippa able

it. This is one of Wayland's finest wo

always been a natural at blacksmithing after all. However, she knows that this isn't anywhere near the top one hundred

idden blade with a careless air. Best not to let this vendor know how well versed she is

d put her under a

bly mean that old thi

he did so, the blade gleamed with white-gold-silver intensity, the writing on it still easy to see after a great many battles. Pippa had be

use. Cortanna and D

or it?" Pippa as

anything you've ever owned I'm sure." He gives her a rather r

the only one of these weapons that was being used and respected properly was Cortanna. Emma Carstairs was the owner

riches their entire lives, but it wasn't her job to tell this guy tha

were here to see this he'd be utterly horrified. It may sound silly, but each of Harry's prized creations are precious to him. It

ave any right to say such a thing to me. S

words is in the hands of a foolish little girl. Best not to let Joyuese into the hands o

e more accurate. Fire was a beautiful thing to look at, but it could just as easily burn everything down if there wa

leased that day. Instead, he had to deal with a much calme

is your sister Aria's shop anyways. She would gladly sell the blade to an experien

orange magic. With one quick swish of his hand, the sword was in Pippa's hand and a siz

those freckles moving with the ges

fingers long in the way a musician's hands were. To her knowledge, there were at least five instruments the man

me Skip/ Arm

ts in the small room were a faded sort of yellow, a few of them winking in and out like buzzing fireflies. Armando had

iel's blue eyes gleam. Pippa wasn't surprised to see the eldest of her brothers in the vast majority of the photos Armando had hung up. The two men had a special bond that

ing to prance around each other before they finall

wish you hadn't caused such a scene

lack and white shirt peeks out from around the gray tie he wore. The get up was a business look she'd see

w he was asking for it. Just an

sitting out. Pippa takes the seat across the table from him, eyeing the two

called her in the early hours of the morning, right before dawn, to tell her she had to drop by. Pippa had been rather d

nt I'd like to talk to you about. But, f

a little sleepy from waking up so early. A cup of cof

was true that Harry would put the most sugar in his morning drink, Pippa was pretty partial to cream and caramel herself. Daniel was the b

liquid did Armando continue. "I called you here today to talk

at that. "What are

s death is coming up, so Daniel has be

ed. So h

anniversary of Sara's death drew ever closer. The eldest became all the more anxious and depressed, to the point where he'd often withdraw from most everyone to grie

the issue that Alec had yet to learn about Sara, which was a whole big problem in itself. Pippa hoped h

ck to The Place not

s never helped him before and it's just makes it more difficult to heal." Pipp

would've kept him from the last place he saw Sara. And, well, that's not the biggest

is?" Pipp

o's eyes, the way exhaustion clung to him like a sleepy shroud. It was easy to forget sometime just how connected Armando was to Daniel, and how Sar

e area, just like I have done each and every year. Us

e to tell me." Pippa stress

h more rampant than they'd ever been before. Pippa, it's almost as if..." Armando swallows, hi

has returned. That's what you wa

ndo agrees. "I can't be certain though, it c

I hope you're rig

the return of the Dark Order co

ec's P

nd forest today. The trees stretched up high over them, the thick canopy blocking out the sky. Pine cones lay sprawled on the ground, the smell of tree sap heavy

and an obstacle course alrea

ips out of his own black canister earlier. White wings and black wings fluttered with the wind, the sweet scent of sap painting

euvers, but first, why don't you tell

emed to know when something was troubling him. And for that to be the case when even his own husband, Magnus had told him t

e tugged back to the drea

e girl in the s

enty of history that his eldest son was not around for. And likely never heard about either. I ha

up of fallen angels responsible for shattering his grace. To be honest, Alec wasn't all that keen on asking about them. He

been niggling around in the back of his head. "How do you always know? What I'm feel

ndling vines and clumpy moss grew on it in disarray. The bark was hardly visible on it, to covered in fauna or chipped away to the point where it was a mostly clean

tried hard enough." Daniel murmured. The words just made Alec feel even more perplexed, tilting his he

then." Ale

g brushes up against his wings. The feathers were extra sen

e near the intensity of the winged nephilim's eyes. The same ran true for the starry pattern of the eldest child's

ift I was given at birth. A gift that lets me see the emot

es the words carefully. "that really is something

it too. That's where I get it from. A

rying to picture such magic being in his g

at reverberates down to his bones, right into his very core. Some might think the sensation was painful, but to Alec, it felt as natural as breath

, they would wiggle with the prod. These lines were of many different colors. They stretched out like an endless rope, their reach extending far

st out of Alec's comprehension. It was only from the whispers in his mind that he was able to understand that these were for

olorful bunch. The one that connects Daniel to Alec. This one is a brilliant white color, twined with so many differ

h the strange white light. These lines presumably come from Harry and Pippa. But then why is there thre

Alec does not like the look of this line. Not one bit. He gives Daniel a gesture towards that line, a silent question if there ever was

ed in confusion, thinking it was a trick of the eye, but the line

s of whether or not they're nephilim, human, Downworlder, or Angel. You liked to say that no ma

s are entrancing in their beauty. They call out to him, ask

g that was bothering you..." the lines around them all vanis

es to find the words. "I'm

in. If you're not ready to tell me, t

lec rubs his eyes with clenched fists, trying to knit those runaway thoughts together into tangible words. "

ental that even the night expanse of those black wings pull tight against his broad back, the tiny rustling those fe

. "That.....sounds interesting.

as though he had walked into the darkest part of the woods, without his weapons. Unarmed, he faced the demons of the night, defenseless against t

ous about this? What m

h I knew her. Like she was important to me for some reason, though I don't know why." The next

I need some air. Y-you did good. I'll see you later." Daniel ran off like a hunted animal, taking into the air like a duck wo

ng I said?" Ale

tly, just who is t

ec rose to his feet and flew back home to Alicante. Questions could a

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