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An Uncertain Present

Chapter 3 Discussions Over the Fireplace

Word Count: 3468    |    Released on: 23/12/2019


ved an unexpected downfall of heavy rain right after flying around a few glass towers, soaking them thoroughly. Magnus would've magicked up some sort of umbrella (or force

the back of the room had previously been. After moving the sofa to face said fireplace and a rath

ng liquid in Alec's direction. Five marshmallows floated at the

nus." Alec accepts the

e mix of rain and shower water in them, much to Magnus's own annoyance. And so several towels had been placed right on the floor

an arm around him with the hand that isn't clutching his "A" mug of piping hot liquid. It had to be an angelic thing: the fact that Alec could drink such a hot

was just as splendid as I imagined it would be." Ma

ns, motorcycles, etc.) it was high praise coming from him that flying with Alexander was his favorite form of travel now

Angel was blinking rather sleepily. He would hardly be surprised if Alexander would want

azing fireplace in front of them. As it had been created by Magnus's magic, the flames were extra bri

ck on the Glass City, but Magnus himself had helped to make sure the towers would be fully erect once more. Yes, Downworlders would be granted safe passage into the city, but there was no way demons were counted amon

ely powerful and dangerous, but there's no way it should've been capable of appea

t've picked anything up?" Alec

eak on the angel's part, as if he had kept it in his pocket it would have been soaked through comp

e in the first place." He stresses his point again, h

th of them were decked out in the satin pajamas Magnus had made specifically for them. They even came with their initials embroidered in gold. Alec had

houlder, but with those expansive wings always trailing him that was a Herculean task if he ever saw one. He feared

have plenty of experie

ec to turn around to face him once more. Alec's eyebrows are furrowe

ine and Helen for the next few days. I can call them tomorrow, see if they've heard anything." Alec murmurs, setting his phone back on the t

contemplatively. "I suppose that'll have to do

sure? I c

trouble." He said. Magnus had seen a great deal of demons in his lifetime. There were very few demons that he had only heard of or se

who encountered it. So there was that. Magnus didn't want to worry Al

their world, encountering foreboding darkness

est of the evening together." Alexander offers him a sof

tion for what it was. "Al


t was in Alicante, the New York City sky had released a torrent of rain, thoroughly soaking Jace and her

ime clothes. It had been half a year now since she had started to share a room with him. Clary ha

ould do someth

job heating her up. Drying off and brushing her teeth was done in what felt like a blink of an eye, and soon

passed her the b

sir." Clary says wit

fine lady." He presses a kiss to her cheek before going into the bathro

ht Tim

or me too long." Jace sounds

cuddled underneath the duvet with several blankets piled on. And so she found herself making the short walk to the Institute Head's office, to the blazing fireplace

o her. The two were a mere two feet away from the flames. The heat of them was

S Center, " a kiss to her other cheek, "and your not in our comfy bed, " a kiss to her forehead, "I figured you had to be here." Jace finishes with

made it easy the

again. His hair was dripping from the shower, a few of t

e now nice and warm, unlike the raging thunderstorm that continues to send rain slos

ce murmurs. One of his hands had begun to ru

started storming. That wouldn't have bee

e just right. The flames in front of them made up for the slight discomfort she felt sitting on the cold floor, though in hind sight a blanket to cover them both would not have be

I've been wanting to ask

t would that b

..." Jace seems to be struggling to get his

think the Jace Herondale struggled with his words. I

ng terrible at all

is it?" She



s it out quickly to see Izzy's name flashing up on the sc

Jace the screen. "Is

ot to keep my sister wa

tant to tell me. Izzy can wait until later

ait for you in the bedroom." Jace got up on unsteady legs

She mutters to herself before

ime you picked

ls this late." Clary murmurs. She presses the phone up agains

s isn't a social call."

t is it then?

ctivity in New York City and Alicante. Jia was already visiting there and she

someone in mind for this represen

. "We're set to go there tomorrow. Yo

he doubts it's something that will make her have to stay in town for an entire day. Plus

free. What time do

all finally ends, Clary gets to bed to find Jace already fast asleep. Clary slips under the covers next to hi

ec's P


s he realizes he has not the slightest clue as to where he is. The fauna around

ody out there?"

ows. He crouches down instinctively at the sound of a twig snapping. With lightning fast reflexes he whirls to face the

th he hadn't realized he w

ke his own. Her skin was much more tan compared to his own (not like that was much of a challenge). She was a

, she does look a l

ng inside him. Something that lay just out of his reach. A puzzle piece on a higher

es that frustr

The little girl tells him. The soft cotton material of her dress s

t. "Lonely? You're not her

stance. Alec notes that the girl is wearing a necklace today, the silver chain connected to a s

absolutely precious. The happiness this child exudes makes him want to go forwar

d to hear. Where

not, surely the large wings folded up on his back would. Jace had been right about the fact that they

a brief second Alec almost feels as though he is the child in the situation and the girl is the ad

ow exactly where we are?" Alec inquires. He hates to ask such a big question of the child, but as

ully. Her hazel eyes are big in her small face, giving off an air of in

ow World. Whatever this girl might say, it like

en. We're in your me

ts the words, sounding

f you're long forgotten past." She te

"I suppose that makes sense. The real questions should be: How di

the state of this girl in the real world. Was she still alive? Or had she passed on? Alec felt

nd annoyed to find that he is barefoot, and that the ground is making his nake

Let's play together!" The

bbing hold and allows her to tug him into the forest. Unfortunately, doing so makes the fog envelo

ou go?" He calls

swers him, instead it is on

..All will be revealed in due

ou talking about?

no more, as everyth

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