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CEO's Absurd Love: Limitless Passion

Chapter 6 a Slight Chill

Word Count: 1620    |    Released on: 05/06/2020

ully. No one knew what he was thinking about,

ords she had said to the voicemail page with the phone in her hand. Tears kept s

d. Her father was addicted to gambling, and her family often had a meal without the next on

o the baby, you will give me everything and sati

re turned into voice messages, which were clearly conveyed to Henry's mobile phone. L

directly turned on his mobile phone. When he was about to call back home, he found tha

wn number to Claire this morning. Was it a coincidence? I

ssed the key, he heard the sof

at? I feel hot all

u say that you would satisfy me with anything? But now I'm sick. I want

't do it now. I can't take medicine when I have a fever, and I can't take medic

she was having a fever. Upon hearing this, Henry's heart skipped a beat. He had been

uld there be no one to take care of her? Although Henry was confused, he still called James aft

believe an

chedule was always on time. Now he was woken up by a sudden call from Henry. At first, James

gh, James adjusted his state and answered the phone unhurriedly, "what's wrong

s okay, grandpa. I want to ask you something. Where i

could he not know what his grandson was thinking about? It was not a coincidence that he appeared in the

being taken to the ancestral temple by Shelly in the morning, I didn't see her ag

c disci

ules of the Gu Family. Claire was just a weak woman. Some strong men might not be

a, please go and check for me. Claire is pregnant for a month. Anyway, it is our child. Of course, remember

face, so he couldn't go back immediately. What he could do now

ely agreed as if he had changed into another person when he heard these words, "what? Do

how could he still watch the

meeting which was supposed to be held tomorrow was forced to be held in an hour. If

nally on the right track as a normal person. In the past, there was only work in Henr

r to book a flight back for me later. It's about three o'clock in the morni

n replied quickly, "O

was obvious on his face, but he could not expose it. David could only pre

ly simple coffee shop. The documents they two were going to negotiate were not very sec

n the desk and said, "Mr. Du, this matter is actually easy to so

n, but for a person from an ordinary family, it might be

ry, you are wrong. Look, this is obviously a number that I will suffer losses. You know,

also because of this that he was so confident to be negotiate with Henry. If Mr.

Henry's heart. That man had always been moody. At such a special time, h

ic, Henry said quietly, "since you think so, you can cooperate with others. I specially came her

t saying anything. Then he quickly caught up with him and fawned over him. "Mr. Henry, I was just joking with you. After all, we have known each other for s

n the contract in two copies. Once the contract was signed, it would prove that it was legal. Mr. Du kept chatting with Henry, but he

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