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Fanny Lambert


Word Count: 1745    |    Released on: 17/11/2017

hat of the Lamberts. He revolted at it, yet felt strangely fascinated. It was like watching people dancing on a tight rope hal

ndows that opened upon the garden; or at least that part of it which had been robbed of it

aragus bed," sai

ld, and Charles' eye travelled s

y estimating the size of the Lamberts' Highgate estate on the ba

nd cabbages and things," s

uch a time to grow-fou

rees would grow quicker than that; besides, James said we would have splendid asparagus next s

ing into a low chair and wondering vaguely

were the 'misfortunes'

eration in her tone that she might have been a disciple of the new c


going to give up the business he is in and stay on when fa

Sèvres. The tray was painted with Cupidons blowing trumpets as if in honour of the victory o

had it been paid for, would have cost five

ats walked into the room with all the air of bandits. One was jet black and one was brindled; both looke

poured out a saucerful of the blue

they a

were giving his opinion on some object[Pg 79] of v

retfully, "but they are faithful. They alway

odle-I mean the d

en they can't see him; he would run from a mouse,

? I should think they w

they are not ours,

ay you let stray

ey come in through a hol

ess gr

hen is full of cats

ive here," th

ime turning them out-all, of c

the bla


not know that? It's frightfully

e hole and stop the

stockings and things till she's wea

ve a new pa

I have always changed the conv



gloomily at t

u must have you

h locks everything up no

e was no milk left, and the intelligent creatures co

eatures!" sn

, but, Cousin Ch

me Cousi


the cats al

oor beggars wanted it more than I. I never drin

she murmured. "You r

d uneasily i

ike a fetish song interrupted by the sound of the window being closed to see if it was clean enou

then a tap at the door, followed by the voice of Susann

ed the girl in a resigned voice, as she

from his chair and

ylum would take them in; they would infect the other patients and make them worse. Good Heavens! it makes me shudder. They must be on the verge of the workhouse, making asparagus beds, and drinking champagne, and flying off to Paris, and feeding every filthy stray cat with food they must want

ation directly his hostess retur

Fanny entered with a

osed t

ld[Pg 83] me?" She spoke in a low


e in and he ha

to say that he

y with her voice

" Then he remembered that he could not very well t

alarm, "for, when he gets like this, he always talks of leaving at once, becau

that wretched Susannah-ahem-why, he's a marrie

t, but she says she

n on the[Pg 84] mantelpiece-"I mean," he said, putting his hands in his

uld do something with James. If he would even go to bed, but he sits by the kitchen fire crying, and that sets Susannah

his bett

pid of him, he knows how drink flies to his head; you would never imag

e kitchen and speak t

Fanny, plucking at his coat,

" said M

go with you

he kitchen fire on a chair[Pg 85] without a back; Susann

ng in a paternal voice, "what is the meaning of all

endeavour to speak and rise from his chair at one and the

her apron over her head and joined in, whilst

ple!" cried Charles in despera

when he is in this terrible state? Cousin Charles,

grimly, "if you show me the wa

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