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Love Fools Me Around

Chapter 9 A Gentle Probe

Word Count: 816    |    Released on: 27/07/2020

sunderstand!" She was inn

ent others from pestering her. So, if she

d about cooperation, not affection." If they coo

m like a fool from beg

shoulders, Y

y. Yates was not the same kind

his child. Why don't you draw with him without posting your o

nothing, and what she had done

and slapped him. She was i

of shock, was also stunn

which hurt himself. But this slap als

it again, nor do I w

rs welled up in her eyes, but her cold and

ast. Why don't you believe me?" He s

don't love you either!"

to misunderstand her, s

mean. I don't mind your past. I don't

ldn't be her ultimate belonging. An

it won't be you! Yates

olutely. I'm sorry. Yates, you should

e could let her go, he would

he loved? As soon as he finishe

rkness. When he raised his hand, he

owered his head apologetically. It was his dereli

d hidden it from her on purpose, she woul

as he going to do.

else?" Eri

d and didn't dare to

rom the back door of the exhibition, he was

woman whispered, hid

ice turned around and saw a ta

tell the figure between

e on the man, like a god standin

e!" Is she

cold aura, but h

coming and recognize his voice,

the door was s

but said nothing afterwards. On

bother you." Thinking of

only turned aside,

pain. The man turned to her. As long a

bumped into a wall of flesh. She had to be

s hard chest, makin

ing wrong. He blocked the door

getting worse and worse. There were some people and things that

e met the man's deep black eyes again. S

s still waiting, raising the c

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