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Love Fools Me Around

Chapter 10 Future Agreement

Word Count: 801    |    Released on: 28/07/2020

he didn't want to mak

like ordinary women, bu

indifferent attitude annoyed him.

hat she couldn't walk. She fro

close to her and restrained herself. I

refully. Her features had grown a lot, and her e

c!" Why was he so close to her? What did

" Eric didn't withdraw his sight,

Alice was uncertain. She knew that

n excuse, "I hav

as the same. Or did he com

ad nothing to do with him.

isgust and her dark eyes.

moned up her courage and wal

his question, Eric approac

ad caught up with her. He

was so close that he

at he hated women and t

rt missed a beat when sh

She wanted to move, but she didn't da

ell. But he didn't leave her no

er she should be alarmed or not. The handsome face of

anything, she woul

at the right time, less

the bottom of her heart. In th

so itchy that she turned her face away. Sh

ouched, and the two of them wer

s that even Alice did not know. She just lo

orget to leave fo

indifferently and left her. What

were cold and

. 'am I a fool' "Goodbye, Mr. Eric!"

ing chasing you? " Mom

eautiful brother, but she w

ssion on her baby's face, Alice reached

ome so familiar

ng time. Thank you for taking care o

ongue at Kent, Elsa held her little hands a

No matter how good he was to Elsa, h

red!" Elsa seemed to hav

look on her face, Alice thought, 'There's an outs

ame had the word "warm" in it, whi

and said slowly, "Mommy, when Elsa grows u

opened her mouth in surprise and wanted to

xpression in Kent's eyes, she did

ay, I'll wait for you to gro

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