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Unrequited Love: Go After My Ex-wife

Unrequited Love: Go After My Ex-wife

Author: Qing Hua

Chapter 1 Rupture

Word Count: 1293    |    Released on: 19/07/2020

auline Xia asked through the phone. After

someone sleeping on one side and the other

to go to the window sulkily and breathe some fresh air. The

he was so thin that didn't look pregnant at all. Only when she

Pauline's eyes darkened

irst child. She was happy but she didn't dare to tell Fr

a servant walked in and called her ladyship ins

are hungry." Then sh

mfortable posture . Everything in the house was strange to her. Except for meals

, Pauline would ask her to tell Frank Gu. Pauline Xia hurriedly wiped her body with cold wat

e, for the sake of the child? She just needed to sleep a little longer and would be fine

what they owe you. She's innocent. How can you do this to her?" Pauline Xia felt so weak that she c

slept before she finally woke up. But her

, she saw that Frank Gu was sitting at the table. When he lived at home in the past, she would make breakfas

st took a kraft paper bag from the cabinet behind and waited for Pauline to wa

but she didn't want to say

atened by him. "Although I didn't plan to divorce before, the

ord. She just felt the

omeone to take care of her. I'll change a house fo

iend in college, was

master's degree in econom

aper bag. As she expected, it was a divorce agreement. Whether she

g to do anything, not because she was afraid of Frank Gu, but beca

ged everything well. Even if Cassandra went there, she wouldn't live a miserable life. However, three months after their marriage, her father, John

r and the Xia clan had changed. No one knew wha

divorce agreement. She tried not to let Frank Gu see anything wrong, but

document, Frank Gu had

, invited the best Japanese chef and their friends. It turned out that after t

g to have a party. The food Nancy brought was too oily, she had no appetite. See

w days, and Frank Gu only came

y. Pauline Xia made a cup of food powder in a hurry and wanted to go out

obvious, but no one cared about

or didn't stop her. Looking at her sick face, the waiter in the yard handed her a baco

and gently kissed her eyelids, nose tip, and lips. After kiss,

oticed that at the corner of the door stood a pale woman with cold hands. At that tim

oday. I swear that from now on,

When Pauline Xia walked out of the house full of laughter, she still didn't have the courage to go over and congratulate

kly. Something has hap

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