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Unrequited Love: Go After My Ex-wife

Chapter 5 Heartbreak

Word Count: 1219    |    Released on: 23/07/2020

her fingers tightly clasped together. As soon as Sully Xia arrived,

, the ph

t your home. Hurry up! Hurry up! "The edi

o make money of using her friends. She didn't hear the rest cle

rms and touched his head. "Don't

grew up with his sister, who had always helped

e was still in his growth period and would grow taller in th

er the phone, so he took his coat and walked to the hospital, watching Coco holdin

nd saw Tony Lin with a cold face. He had never fo

brother. How could she be

aking, the green light of

lly Xia rushed over and saw that Pauline's head an

ctor, is sh

them and asked, "what's your

e is her immediate fa

one to two months for her to recover. Let's go to the ward first." Hearing these words, Coco's legs suddenly became

She will be fine." After Tony Lin made a phone call, Pauline was immediately transferred t

y Xia saw that the doctor pushed Frank Gu's aun

run over, he was knocked down to th

be buried with her!" Frank Gu said, with a cold expression. Coco

r mistress? You are also awesome, Cassandra. You can hold out your

ealize why they were als

Gu's face, she said, "Pauline had a c

n. "So what? She is still alive. Her mother come to my

hat's your child! That's your child! How could you say that? " Coco's eyes sudden

Sully, Coco Fang would have rus

of retribution? " Fortunately

he doctor came out o

of the pat

f the patient

ously injured. She may lose her memory when she wakes up. As for the family of Monica, I'm sorry. The pat

eyes, Coco Fang turned around and held Sully Xia tightly.

mily members left her in the hospital, in a hurry to deal with

shaking shoulders. Coco had a vague feeling that things wer

Pauline Xia f

rst stunned, and then asked a

l had a smile on her face. "Are you hungry?

it felt to lose her own child. Seeing that she ch

the corners of her eyes, and soon the white pillow towel was wet with tears. This time, she cou

t she could restrain her grief so that Pauline wo

ould only silently accompany her to cry. In such a situation,

It was the child of her and Frank Gu But now there is nothing, the last hope, the last struggle

e really wanted to know what crime she committed, s

ing. Now she was lingering in the pain of contradictio

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