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In the Days of Queen Mary


Word Count: 3562    |    Released on: 17/11/2017

range of buildings on the east si

e of the building, but rather from the fact that, by order of King

e at Westminster, including St. Stephen's Chapel, and a new counc

Court itself was known officially as "The Lor

umber of judges varied, from time to time, from twenty-six to fort

lding was large, and richly decorated. The walls were panell

ed with carved wood-work

al, that William Jefferay appeared, in the month of Se

uly served by the Sheriff, and for the past three d

still carried his arm in a bandage, and the pallor of his h

mitted it, their uncle had revealed to them

o secrets," and Ralph's adventure in the C

ph, was deemed the culprit, was a matter of profound a

s the folly, if folly it was, and on my head mus

Sir John's noble and dig

freak-Heaven only knows! But in this mistake of identity lies, perhaps, the path of safety, and

ance of his uncle that if aught went amiss, and Willi

y's Inn with much ceremony, and Ralph saw hi

for the sweet influence of his sister, Ralph would have then proc

am under the escort of the Sheriff's guard, and the boy's pale face was

rashly, bring not your uncle's plans to confusion; hav

er and drew him lovingly towards

"Think you that I do not suffer with

is escort had moved out of sight, and Ralph sank exhausted

where, thanks to the Sheriff, the prisoner had been granted a private room

the evening of the third day Simon Renard, the Spanish Ambassador, had brought the great news to Gray's Inn

boy met in the library at Gray's Inn

ws of the fine room were thrown open to admit the little ai

ndles, and small silver lamps, fed with p

around him, among whom were the Lord Mayor of London, th

he Council Meeting were perfectly well known, and the personal characteristics of every m

el, would preside, and that with him would sit the Earl of Pembroke

, at the Ambassador's especial solicitation

the Chancellor had granted the Ambassador's request that Sir Phil

ege of the assistance of "Counsel," excepting

Inn can give in evidence that William was, at the time of the assault, actually with them in the Library of Gray

d, "may fail to identify William as his assailant; he may have heard of the extraordinary resemblance of

was taken to the Fleet that he might see the prisoner as he took his daily exercise in the yard. He saw him, and was instantly convinced tha

lly since the occurrence of the gallant episode on the Thames. I begin to think that Sir John's fears are well founded, and that

led sadly as

nked together in brotherly love that Ralph would never consent to save his own life if thereby he endangered William's safety. Nay, more

qually great in love and strife; have no fear for them, my dear Sir John.

il the hour grew late, and the heavy a

sphere had given place to storm and t

y were almost continuously lit up by the flashes of lightning, an

asters with carriages in the Square, and as St. Paul's clock st

n which was "big with fa

occasional glimmer of stars emerging from the gloom. A light step across the thickly carpeted fl

g thee labour and toil for body and mind! Yet tell me briefly, do

schemes for the great event in the Star Chamber, and their hopes for a joyful d

ke fine and

g a thousand richly tinted shadows on the marble floor. The gilt stars in the roof glittered,

for the meeting of the Court. At ten o'clock armed warders took up their positions within the hall; a few minutes later the She

flashing eyes. There was no sign of fear or misgiving on the part of the youthfu

sent showed great deference, and they were shown to benches reserved

d as he recognized Don Simon Renard and his stepson Diego, Si

ce ensued, shortly to be broken by

ately procession vested in their robes of office. Every po

his seat; then, at a sign from him, a richly bedizened he

dinal Pole. Between these famous men t

ourtier of immense power and influence, he had steered his political barque with supreme skill through the stormy period of the English Reformation, when many greater than he, and

rdinal bent towards him and whispered something in his ear. Arundel was listening to the Cardinal with

hese illustrious judges were bending close, inquisitorial glances on t

stern frame of mind to-day," whis

Duke of Northumberland, when the gleam of his dark eyes struck terror into the Duke's soul! But be of good courage, Sir John; mark how the

hat!" whispered

op of Canterbury, was perhaps th

of the Plantagenets in his veins, he was, above all t

eligious matters were eager to acknowledge

King Henry VIII; how, later, he had shown a bold front to the Vatican i

ce, bearing and physique of the great Cardinal. Notwithstanding

on his broad shoulders, and, like his lon

t was lit up by the deep-blue eyes of the Plantagenet r

ands were as small and as delic

lor and the Cardinal had come to an end, and f

of the Court rose and "called on" the case wh

nes, "you are charged that on the 17th of July last you committed an assa

hancellor, and in subdued

ilty, m

Arundel, and thereupon the Pursuivant

ng in the attitude and voice of the Pursuiva

sure of the identity of the accused with

t gave his evidence, telling the tale of

upon the Queen's officer, bore testimony to th

eral public could only obtain admission by

he august judges-who knew something of young Jefferay a

eniable appeared the evidence of the young prisoner's folly; already they seem

turned towards the Chancellor and whispered something i

as soft and musical; he spoke in low and gentle terms, yet was he d

ty of the accused, notwithstanding the evidence of the Queen's officers. By permission of the Lord Chancellor I call upon the Tr

feray, in obedience to this command, rose in his place and

I will first ask for the date and

he Pursuivant rose

of July, and the hour was about

r John, with great gravity; then, turni

e friend the Master of the Rolls, here present. My secretary took notes of our conference, and was w

in which they stood, the air would have been rent with cheers. The accusers of William Jeff

rs clutched the Pursuivant by the shoulder and began to whisper eagerly to

n the Court as the E

oke entered the witness-box, the Chancellor said, "D

Broke, bowi


ismiss the case, and we do hereby

nt, rising hastily in his pla

or instantly sil

" he said; "the ma

is seat, but his eyes were fu

aside and beckoned to W

him, and his pale face flushed with exciteme

Don Diego; the latter flung his arms round his fr

side of him, William emerged into the street, an

were universally popular, and their recent exploit o

cited escort that the party made its way to G

dies found a place, and as for Ralph, perhaps there were oth

g herself into the arms of her brother-such



cheek. Hand in hand the three happy young people ascended to the library, where William related to eag

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