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In the Days of Queen Mary


Word Count: 2263    |    Released on: 17/11/2017

e library. "Do you not know that the body has its needs as well as the mind, and some of us have scarce

ine old dining-room of Gray's Inn, wher

ing in dark oak, and adorned with many port

and his family on the joyful event of the day. Among them were the Spanish Ambassador and his son Don Die

f?" asked Sir John of the Lord

has been summoned to perform some duty connected with

rt of Sir John as he heard the

composure, he cried with

inner waits, and some of u

ent as a guest, said grace, and a mer

Philip fell into conversation with his neighbour, with whom his high office brought

a low voice, "how will your royal mas

d to me his amazement that a royal officer could be so treated as was our friend the Pur

screant upon the wheel without judge or jury; but these islander

his outspokenness; it is true that the cust

Philip dryly, "and

nish Ambassador

Rolls. He had been attentively watching the tw

minutes, and at this moment I cannot tell you which is William and which is Ralph; I do not think t

dly at these words, and h

legal trick by which our case was won? If so, the

Diego, who sat next to Susan, with

r twins from that quarter; he can never forge

dining-hall of Gray's Inn, yet to the watchful ears of some who sat at that f

on-girt men, no clash of arms, but on

e hall and passed rapidly to his master's

astly pale, nor that his terror-stricken tong

s Sir John, and i

Sheriff is outside the

ohn s

" he said; "we expected

n in the hall, the guest

Mr. Deputy Sheriff,"

ter," said

ir John; he has hal

ose, as he

him e

proceeding to the end of the Hall,

to their feet; all knew that

undaunted; but from the many ladies present ca

d, and with him came a posse

l their leader stepped forward and bowed low to

ones, "you would be welcome here this day, bu

ervants of the Queen must do their duty and obey t

h dignity, "and you need no pardon from

olding, read forth a warrant from the Sheriff, commanding the

ge, sir?" dem

replied the Deputy Sheriff, and forth

ff to attach the body of Mr. Ralph Jefferay, to convey the prisoner to the Fleet pr

it was evident to all that he was dee

ur dut

nd his eyes rested on the twin brothers, as

hem, then scanned them both

r. Ralph Jefferay?

ay," said Ralph in

and on his shoulder an

alph Jefferay, in th

pointed to Ralph, and immediately t

said the officer in s

instantly unbuckling his sword

said the Deputy Sheriff, as he turne

Sir John. "Can you grant your prisoner a

e officer courteously, "if it be

ne knee before him and have kissed his hand; but Sir John ca

p a brave heart and good courage. Trust in

g was this! Undying love sat in their eyes

ad died for th

tears and her grief so great that she was voiceless as sh

ded round, each with a lovin

closed round the prisoner, and in a moment the

great silence fell upon the assembled guests; all looked upon Sir John, w

I will not disguise to you the terrible fact that my nephew Ralph has committed a crime against the laws of his coun

m or his fellows. But in the eyes of the law it was 'conspiracy,' and the pena

hrough the throng, and some of

ternly set, they maint

John sp

whom cometh my hope.' And we have many friends, powerful both in the Cou

e in Sir John's utterance and manner; his fine fa

bassador asked permission to speak, and all str

hat the twin brothers have a special claim on my sympathy and can command whatsoever aid I can give

ll probably be brief, for the accused will admit

re you my own plan of action; for I am persuaded that all who now hear me will feel the necessity for absolute secrecy on this great matt

Whitehall, and there we will ask of Queen Mary the exercise of her roya

action and reassurance passed ami

rose to speak, and

e possibly adverse influence of Ki

a matter for the Queen's own decision, and if the Cardinal and I can incline her royal heart to a merciful view of this young man's escapade (for it is nothing mo

he was about to accompany Sir John to the Fleet prison that they might assure themselves t

and William. They sat together in the library with hands interclasped, their heart

, and that the great Cardinal had already sent him a message of condolence and comfort through their young

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