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Endless Path

Chapter 4 Brothers

Word Count: 1562    |    Released on: 19/11/2020

missing, I kept on looking around to find my car but it was nowhere to be found, so wi

if was the most precious thing to me in t

spent so much time in the library that it was about

o wander around on a deserted street at this time, it's basic knowledge every normal c

f walking an alley after teaching you about safety, it's just that I was taking a shortcut. Now, where was I

ple they really were but they turned out to be three boys near to my age so I threw away the fear and walked like I owned the street, I got closer and closer

third one seemed to be quite younger than them. They were sitting on the doorstep of a house. As the cold wind blew I heard the small boy's teeth clatter with cold. Then a ma

d to protest but wasn't able to go against the man, even though the two other boys tried to fight him back their thin p

of the kid's hand and turned towards me, I successfully landed a kick on his chest on which he fell on the ground. I took the kid's hand who was going to get hit and instructed the others to follow me

ile I could see the gates of the mansion, we reached the mansion and so did the man, When the gatekeeper saw

ney " as he continued cursing he didn't quite know what he got himself into because while he was cursing a group of overprotective guards who were hi

now that we were out of the situation it got awkward all of a sudden we stood there s

That was the beast I could come up

nd as for him he is our younger brother Theodore." Ed

e again so in order to continue the conversa

I asked but the faces of their distorted at th

ve to tell me

Theo was the one who answe

cept you back" I was seriously worried now that I had fo

ck to the orphan

machs yes including me, so as we heard that everybody blushed due to embarrassment but that di

I didn't realise that my eyes had already teared up and then tears came to my eyes. the emotion was so overpowering that I couldn't re

t of me crying and he got the wrong idea about the situation but I

even they have someone they can call family, what's the use of money when I can't even be happy waaa waa " I took out all my

(sniff)" he was trying hard to keep his tears in and then the

ry Master I should have known about your feelings, I am sorry I failed as a servant" and that

o the paperwork and then we will legally become siblings I was so happy and so was Theo and Ed but I noticed that Al didn't like talking much he just nodded as an approval. I skipped school today an

ds my new found brother and hugged the life out of him, he was still so slim tha

cold in nature but I was fully prepared for the r

u sleep well, " h

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