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Chapter 1 1. The accident

Word Count: 1001    |    Released on: 24/11/2020


a deep sigh as I tried to reason

I'm not intereste

ate, " she ans

shit we talked about,

usy with checking out the final submitted manus

tting annoying, I was s

your whole life, ever since college!, give yourself a b

y loo

king, independent, rich and his got that perfect bulge

friend ever, I loved and hated her for

him?, " I as

Stacey, I'm your best friend, I kno

er lip tightl

, " I

isten!" s

for a second then hit the

hile I dropped my phone. I rushed in front and found a man lying on the ground with blood coming out of his mouth,

" I called out lou

lease!" I screamed while looking ar

re usually silent, the

happening to me now?"

a man's voice beh

ooked at the young man

stammered as I

sh him to the clinic, " he said

or" he instr

shed the unconscious man in, then he got in too, I closed the door and quickly jumped in the

hed him in, I closed the doors with trembling hands and followed him behind, I was beyond scared as I wa

yself in?" I ask

keep your mouth shut as I will do the same, I was from telling one nurse that we just found the man lyin

s need to kn

hed then sh

ou something, " he said then pulled out a badge a

cop?" I ask

am" he a

you turning me

I recognized you immediately I saw you screaming for help, so let me handle everythin

close to the wardroom for an h

" Becky

ly stood up when s

ey" she w

closer and hugge

m so scared, he was bleedi

d the doctor say?" She


or came out, I rushed to him

e?" I asked while

or injuries, for now, he's resting, tom

ed in

y much" I answ

a bit, " Becky said

orgiven myself, I would have been arrested an

lt, I shouldn't have called you wh

smile then

that, taking blames won't solve

n's family, did you call t

your cop friend might help me with that, isn't

k for his help, don't

n lay my hea

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