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Chapter 3 3. Lewis

Word Count: 1110    |    Released on: 24/11/2020


y room while Becky wa

ast look at me?"

moving and l

Stacey?" She yelled

oice down, "

al institution or the damn

word, I am going to take care of

" she

g him with my car, I put him in that war

expenses, he's now okay


ll be all alone in the streets, I'

here he will meet people of his kind, there he

e care of him until his family shows up

u are so fucking stubborn, " she

nd through my h

a cheater who was sleeping with Becky but had a thing for me, the argument almost made us part ways but luckily we chose

ut I couldn't, my conscious wouldn't l

d, the man walked in while chewing

he said with a smile wh

and took a few steps c

say something

pered then jump

, I was losing my mi

you or prince, it doesn't really suit you, how

" he said o

wis is a hot American actor I adore, you have his height that

is, " I whisper

said then p

is and I am Stac

aid then point

y, " I sai

pered with a smile

ound then looke

" he wh

heek but stopped when I heard t

ut of the room and

t be alarmed, " Lizzy my

hat you are here

m?" She asked whil

ou to meet someone,

She a

ered then Walked upstai

walked in, Lewis was facing t

ded to take Madam Becky's advice

swered in a

Lewis still had medium hair and short beard

is he in your room?" S

as recently in a ward and he has no family to take care of him, from today

o Lizzy shocking me. Lizzy smiled and took it, before she could say a

mbled a bit but balanced, Lizzy lo

h him!" She screamed at me

done this to anyone, please go to the clin

ing against me?" She


e, " he sai

t him then

u think you have a right to bite me, huh sic

l explain everything to you, please, I know th

then turned and walk

, you don't get to bi

to make out of the situation, Lewis at times acted mad and crazy, but now he was just acting lik

he called i

tay right there and think about your bad behav

n't want Lizzy to think of him as a dangerous man I was keeping, to me he seemed lost, lonely and fragil

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