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Beyond Our Imagination

Beyond Our Imagination


Chapter 1 Prologue - Hyewon (P.)

Word Count: 904    |    Released on: 24/11/2020

f an eerie presence swept over us. We all k

usually had. Lifting my finger, I poke into the bread, taking note of the fact that it was rock solid. I dipped it into the soup and took a bite,

hopeful. After all, we were well aware that Dad got laid off at work. I hate living like this: going day by day using what little we hav

going to swing back at you even harder to make sure you stay down. It's not only me who knows this simple fact, every s

large-scale monopolies. To them, we're nothing more than pawns to play in their businesses. We work for them and they can turn our life into hell. Why? Because that's just how

and grab my food, making my way to th

n, my sister, said with a

some food for tomorro

Her voice

veryone in the room just hung their he

. Starting tomorrow. Maybe I

maybe we're trapped. I don't see it getting any better, but maybe, just maybe, I

I try to find a job since I'm not known to like wo

sit and think. I like thinking, and since I feel peculiarly in a thinking state, I turn on the TV. It was a simple boxy TV with no colour that my best friend Seunghee and I fo

r her to join me and she follows suit, sitting on my lap. Hyerin takes to her normal position and props h

no one in particular. "I literally won't go

nd me, snuggling into my abdomen. Sighing, I pic

being given right now. She's the brightest kid I know, in more ways than on

job. I tilt my head to meet face to face with Hy

nses are something you'll never need to worry abo

r me. It's faint, but I see it and it warms me ever so slig

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