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Beyond Our Imagination

Chapter 2 Another Day - Hyewon (1)

Word Count: 678    |    Released on: 24/11/2020

se it was. It was also partially due to the n

wn on my bed excitedly. That kid has no limits to her energy, I sw

myself on my bed headboard to hug Hyerin

" She said somewhat cheerfully with

and I'll be right back down." I say, t

I have to wear something nicer today if I am going to be applying for a job. I want to show that

to slide it onto me. It's a fitted dandelion-yellow coloured garment that I usually never wear. I've been saving it for an appropriate

lf in the mirror for a bit. My long, wavy black hair and my shiny hazel eyes complemented the dress quite nicely,

room to grab my bag. Maybe once we've hit roc

er of the table filled with blackberries. I eye Hyerin as she reaches over to the bowl and grabs a

se?" I manage to say

saw an odd look on my face and proceeded to explain, "The Triar

ere wasting perfectly good food, not that the Triarians even care

of job searching ahead of me." I say as I wal

es. Meanwhile, my dad, on the other hand, was fast asleep on

ind a job so why do I even feel this way? I felt so confident in myself too just a few minutes ago. What h

ivering and shaking with my hand sinking a bit. Defiantly, I fo

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