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Destined Together

Chapter 2 Oh my God, same eyes

Word Count: 1096    |    Released on: 29/12/2020

y child, she will not sit aloof during the waiting time. She jump

Mommy see it's running

a come to me,"

tire hall. Everyone turned towards them.

he approached Bella who w

ring Ashley's voice. She is a Gyneco

tor," Bell

hter?" Ashley gest

a's nod, she bent to Sara's hei

name, honey,

a Williams "and she gave

xpression, which Bella cannot understand. Afte

a gave a con

o react, she gave an awkward smile. Like her rescuing saviour, the nurse

and reacted, "You carry on, Is

Ashley's comment indeed stirre

the way to their home. Suddenly Sara

ne who helped me to bring you into

like she understood everything. Suddenly she screamed, "look,

r and went to the truck

Popsicle, Bella started thin

ave Green eyes," Bella thought herself. Ashley was the o

ara must have taken her green eye

rson, whether he is tall or short, married or unm

Good looking handsome young man with good character. And today, one

n world, Sara's voice i

you want

Popsicle and took a bite. S

I have to meet a Dentist

ment with a Dentist, but because of her busy schedule, she is postponing t

e day while returning from the Hospital, Chris saw Sara playing i

am Chris, he in

is before, being a

ht" he co


laying alone?"

, all my friends are in Sp

he gave his ha

Sara happily s

Mom and D

only Mom" she answe

interrupted the

lled from the doorstep. She can't see the man's

th strangers, I have to educate

-bye Chris" she ra

arents, the new information that Sara d

r not having a complete family, p

ddenly shifted towa

s father? Did she hated her husband and got sep

ad in frustration. But one thing was clear

m, and by that time, day-care will be closed. Whenever she has to go somewhere or meet somebody, where she cannot take Sara, Margaret, Bella's younger sister would co

tle assets were only enough to pay back their debts. After that car crash, some of the good-hearted family members helped them to clear the de

h Bella came forward to support Maggie's studies when she got her first job, Maggie stubbornly refused and did some part-time jobs and supported

, she took Sara along with her, and it was the same hospital where they met that Pediatrician. Not only that, it was the

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