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Destined Together

Chapter 3 Meeting Chris for the first time

Word Count: 965    |    Released on: 29/12/2020

al Hospital is the number one hospital in the city and it is the best hospital for treatmen

's death, Sam was the one who gave hope in her life. She believed in her happiness and dreamt of a complete life with him, bu

hat important decision. Though her sister Maggie morally supported her, she thought, that there must be someone one and

room along with Sara. Soon after entering the roo


ra pri

together, but you didn't

as busy, next time w

y pro


watched by Bella wi

ach other," Bel

Chris, Chris this is my


r neighbour. I had met Sara twice in the apartm

only word Be

the situatio

r seat, M

l chair and Sara sat

e, Ms.W

Dentist suggested the Root Canal treatment for one tooth, which I cannot undergo at that time, bu

examine your

eat and started spinning the chair. Bella cannot speak, as Chris was doing the examination. Once C

child, a kid has to be li

formation, wherever she saw a person with green eyes, her thoughts shifted towards that imageless person. But today as she

pared to last time, the infection is somewhat high now,

pointments, we can clean the canal and fill it with a cr

t today. Is it fin

Princess, I am going to clean your Mom's tooth, can you sit quietly and watch some cartoons," without hesi

te man," Bella th

one "All set you are goo

miled and gestured to Sa

oday, I will be waiting

will come and

no time, that was the biggest miracle that ever happened. Sara won't make friends with others that much easier, even in Springfield, she had only a few friends.

e you?" Maggie spok

ars are going to tear. I know you

nice and they are treating me like their own daughter, even they e

ly need sister time, tell me what you want

I missed it like a hell and chocolate truf

end and said, "Ok then it is settled, meet you soon and I

mily, how can she refuse the requ

Aunt Magg

e is sleeping

a happy," s

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