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The Bratty Heiress

The Bratty Heiress


Chapter 1 Meet Olga

Word Count: 1611    |    Released on: 13/01/2021

e myself as a beautiful young woman (not at all bragging, just

dresses, high heels, and let down hair, probabl

ly style is way more fun and loving, d

read my story? Okay then, don

me from the previous story,

but hey...I'm biased, this is MY story. And I haven't told her ev

, you all know that I'm Nikolai's pretty little sister. Well...you're not mis

mother dearest), filthy rich (this will surely lure a woman) businessman Alexei Markov, decided to fertilize mother a

s a family. And mother was very mad at him when she found out, and at t

uple of months old. She could easily get rid of me, but she kept me. It was not until mont

se was wearing their masks. I should be offended thinking I came out smelly,

. I love her, she was always there for me. I just need to cry

eed me to f

you what happened when I was ten? T

e life. She was always busy though, her social calendar was booked months ahead. Maybe that was her work, being a social butterf

ool. I'm so proud of you. With your grades, they had put

uted and she takes me to he

But...you're not going until you finish your elementary years. Which is not long n

y couple of months. She had introduced me to him since I was little, but ne

chen passing my mother's room. I heard grunts and moa

at they were doing. And it was exactly what I did years later, in th

e, we made out a couple of times before we finally...in his words made love. If you aske

so not the focu

gic day when the headmistres

tic...after all, I still have my nanny, chauffeur, my mother's PA...then there w

what's wrong with society, it's the why that they're after, not

get you hooked to the story. But...you got to promise me

as how it

parently, she was driving when a deer crosses the road, and her car jumped over the barrier as she tried to avoid it..

ve her so much. I truly do, since I was a pea...okay, I might exaggerate

family lawyer attended the meeting with me, asserting and giving me all the

my father. Biological father, he didn't raise me never even h

ears ago by the way. And now you came here with all the paperwork and then

lowance now that she's n

op out of

be ho

ld I slee

t and very beautiful. I love her deeply if it matters..." he was ba


ess. And I know that she loved him. So, hearing him said that too

." He said casually, but full

Russia and live with a stepmom. I'm t

ll wonder deep down, why didn't the man wants me. Then as I got

I th

le he trails his hand to his grayish strands

u will be safe here in Russia. My wife, she was murdered when my son was still very young, and I never remarried.

st be my wife. Damn you Marina.

ip upward, and decided that it was the real deal. He really loves mother.

cry. You're good, she's no longer

t. I was just trying to calm him down, cause my law

s a very loveable person, even the hardes

month, I had the lawyers transfer your school grade already,

the f

where daddy Alexei decided t

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