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The Bratty Heiress

Chapter 4 College days

Word Count: 1291    |    Released on: 13/01/2021

girl that I was (and still am, truly, aside from the title of this book) ... I entered college

ut. (Me, saying to my younger self

we? What, you didn't kno


. Are you sure he could even handle a gun? All I ever saw him with was a laptop. I'm not sure it'll be the most effecti

ill be there too, but Nikolai was not convinced of me sending him alone. So, it'll be Rom

e, knowing that Roman wa

n h

uck his eyes out. But he just gave me another look,

will come out as a winner in this. I

brat. This was me as a teen who was terrib

Dad had Nikolai arranged this, knowing it would grant easier access for his security details. Daddy de


y new friends already. But I was not giving up, I had years ahead o

mart them. I did graduate high school with the best grades, even did the honorary student speech a

ung woman about my age

with his phone, while I was unpacking my stuff. Ramon

ed her with my megawatt smile.

us apartment, I would be paired with a compatible r

e that would match their standard. But hey... I was not complaining, as long a

m, obviously thinking that he was my lover. But I quickly introduced him as my brother. Then she final

sh me the best of luck. His lip tugged upward k

n h

you this weekend!!" He said as


ut the weekend when he bol

ntion, as she started to unpack from

her, while I lay in her bed. She looked at

holarship, I don't have the luxury

nsidered old enough to drink alcohol, but young enough to make stupid mistakes. Oh, come on Megan! I'm taking you out if it's

ng, and you have been spending too much money on me." Megan s

to our apartment. I was walking carelessly, kn

you...us, I don't want to alert you, Olga. But don't wor

elaxed when I explain that I was apparently too loveable, that my daddy dearest assigned guards for m

nd kids?" She looked at me with a

y on the inside." I looked at her, then

ay my mother had a tragic accident. And it has gotten a bit wider, as I was being dragged to

years ago, he talked to me, he had plenty of chances, but never once he refer

she was the one that wouldn't let him get close t

ge, it somehow made me feel that we were

finished unpacking and had our pizza dinner, I finally told her my true fee

lots of partying friends but they were all just there for the drinks and the laugh

realized that I finall

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