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Fallen for the king

Fallen for the king


Chapter 1 The Ending

Word Count: 1046    |    Released on: 13/01/2021

How fate decided to toy with me and treated me like a ragdoll. Tossin

. The gruesome demon slaughtering. The struggle and realization of a vain reality, of

wolf who los

uggle for life. I'm the werew

t love conquers all. That I deserve a happy ending. And

worth living for when you don't be

he story. This is why I believed everyone

d to me. And it ha


to where it all ended. The day I lost

end, where Donnie and I would cuddl

fuck..." I moaned and cursed again when he started kissing my back and trail his hand to my lower ab

..me....what to do." He said his words, as he grinds his length to my lower back. I was moaning to his demand, I wa

ing to reach for him, I needed to feel him as my t

I need you... to be still.

sts roughly above my head making my wolf purred to his roughness. My dick was har

sing my body lazily. Until his legs roughly spread

stantly high on lust. He was preparing me as his hand pulled my bod

fuck over and over again until he finally gave me the p

athed out his words, while his arms

Don...I'm not g

cause you'

st lovemaking. That his loving touche

aks loose that late

trustee pack warriors howled above his wolf. Blood was staining his glorious brown fur, his abdome

ouldn't hear anything. Then it hit me...I never said goodb

n form, I could see his handsome fac

...you don't

vey his message for me. He could easily say it with his mind, but he was n

e was barely heard when I t

ed my tears, trying to be brave for him. But

e a strong man, and you're a strong wolf. Live..

as I bent down and kiss his lips for the last time. His pack let out th

a, it was the day I lost my Alp

aking over the pack. He was making sure t

. I was holding onto his pillow, his scent was le

ur room, and wait for me, making

o exactly that. I'm honoring his wishes." Grant said sternly as he watche

im. Even if it kills me on the i

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