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Evan Harrington -- Volume 6


Word Count: 4529    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

nd heir to unnumbered epithets, would so far forget what she had done for him, as to dra

cold cream to her forehead between- whiles. With perfect sincerity she repeated that she could not believe it. She had only trusted Evan once since their visit to Beckley; and that t

oline's assurances finally, 'if t

that she had indeed take

nst the whole

is acting the ideas of hi

nfully, 'he is not. I hav

tation entirely from his abominable selfishness, and then stands tall, and asks us to admire him. He bursts with va

whether you would come

s dreadful horrid country pomade! Why did we not bring a larger stock of the Andalugian Regene

d and everything got ready to depart by half-past eleven o'clock, when the fly would

ead round to Caroline lik

ers!' she

le to get ready,'

oor one instant,' said the Countess

to re-appear, a note was handed to her to convey to Mr. Harrington immediate

it this house, at the hour named, t

's door. She was the bearer of another note. Evan read i

ns poured over the walls, blew up the Countess's propriety,

bly go to breakfa

u perceive that, by withholding our presences, we become implicated with him?' And the Countess, fr

raining her precious tears for higher purposes, as only t

is right in wishing us


m not. No, Carry: I do not jump into ditches for nothing. I will have something tangible for all that I have endured. W

her strength yet she appeared to hesitate.

you! Just your English order of mind, that cannot-brutes!-conceive of friendship between high-born men and beautiful women. Beautiful as you

g. At the bottom of her heart there was a dismal rage of passions: hatred of those who would or might look tailor in her face: terrors concerning the possible re-visitation of the vengeful Sir Abraham: dread of Evan a

ving gentle salutes, she talked of Mrs. Bonner, and her night-watch by the sick bed, in a spirit of doleful hope. This passed off the moments till she could settle herself to study faces. Decidedly, every lady present looked glum, with the s

contrary, the Countess joined the conspiracy to exclude him, and would stop a mild laugh if perchanc

a culprit in her mother's eyes. She glanced from Evan to her. Lady Jocelyn's mouth shut hard. The girl's senses then perceived the something that was afloat at the table; she thought with a pang of horror

u leave us?' said L

ady. The fly will call for my

ssity for you to

over to se

her good rule of open, instant explanations? But Evan's heart was stern to his lo

ling and happy, and so forth; and it seemed that her admirers had prevailed over her reluctance, for the Countess ended her little protests with a vanquished bow. Then there was a gradual rising from table. Evan pressed Lady Jocelyn's hand, and turning from her bent his head to Sir Franks, who, without offering an exchange of cordialities, said, at arm's length: 'Good-bye, sir.' Melville also gave him that greeting stiffly. Harry was perceived to

Rose keeps

was her ladyship's answer,

way for he

n, Louisa,' he said, with calm distin

Evan met with to the exposure of yesterda

man of 'em out I'll stand your second-'pon my soul, I will. They must be cowards, so there isn't much to fear. Confound the fellows

hat's it,'

entlemen!' A

t,' uttered a melancholy vo

Evan. 'Where

courage to ask one of the footmen. I delivered your letter. Nothing hostile took place. I bowed fiercely to let

day with Jack. The latter bore them pa

rt, the sacrifice I made to her was the cause. It's all over the house. She gave the most excruciating hint. Those low-born females are so horribly indelicate. I stood confounded. Commending his new humour, Evan persuaded him to breakfast

about? Louisa won't go, you know. Has the girl given you up because she saw yo

to have come, I suppose,' Evan replied, con

sa won't

ady yourself with Caroline. Louisa will then make her choice. Pray help m

ng but hot water at home. Why-but it's no use asking questions. My

. And the moisture in Andr

of woman-goods I ever-I kn

nd that 's eno

the light, dying by bits? In Evan's heart Love seemed to die, and all the pangs of a dea

with a fool, she cut him off from her affections resolutely. Her manifest disdain at his last speech, said as much to everybody present. Besides, the lady was in her element here, and compulsion is required to make us relinquish our element. Lady Joce

am I t

d piteously to the

tiringly: 'Indee

d Melville's arm, and had some

the lawn. Mr. George Upl

ith a 'hem!' committing himself more shamefully the instant after.

observed Sir John Lori

us hope, and reproach her for certain things when she chose to be disengaged, h

aroline was by nature luxurious and soft. The thought of that drilled figure to which she was returning in bondage, may have thrown into bright relief the polished

hey make me jea

ered him with

; you are not going with y

e, I have

hould not stay. To the best of my ability I will provide for him: but I sincerely desire to disconnect y

the heart of his w

as chan

d, but awakened,

paced on

e resumed. 'I asked you to sacrifice much; all that I c

world to su

uty to deliver yourself

my lord, I think

on: 'Then what can it

owardly. For myself you have offered more happiness than I could have hoped for. To be allied

her, for there was evidence of in

g to know the caus

e throbbing in

would lose his faith in the last creature that loves him. He is unhappy. I could bear what is called disgrac

rise, could not forbear from asking who this person might

other, my lo

would not wound you; but is not this a delusion? We are so placed that we must

Evan? Oh! he is noble,

sterday and to-day,

ay I did not know h

r. Moreover, Caroline had emphasized the 'yesterday' and 'to-day,' showing that the interval which had darkened Evan to everybody else, had illumined him to he

ing the sanction of Providence. Alas! that little idle promenade was soon to be repented. She had joined her sister, thinking it safer to have her upstairs till they were quit of Evan. The

ocelyn with Andrew, fretting his pate. Harry leant against a pillar, Miss Carrington, Mrs. Shorne, and Mrs. Melville,

tile band? She saw it by that sombre light in Juliana's eyes, which had

ne, she said: 'Is

! Andrew

ust time, and no more.

ving blown it, the hideous little trumpeter burst into scarlet perspir

walked straig

werful for you. I beg you, withd

help him with a

and pack. The fly 'll be here, you know-too late for the

e wretched lady to answer: 'Are we herrings?' And

Mrs. Bonner,' she said


leeping,' her l

my darling!'

ster. The Countess divine

ent to go and canvass t

,' said Andrew. 'Old Tom only stuck up a puppet to play with.

'if Mr. Raikes shall indeed ha

ned Andrew. 'The fellow's ashamed o

ing a remarkable play, in which the damsel held forth a hand and the cavalier advanced a

languor, and a malicious twitter passed between

with that dark flush which was her manner of blushing, took formal leave of Lady Jocelyn

ted. Masterly tactics, for they showed her power, gratified her vengeance, and left her unassailed. On the road she had Andrew to tear to pieces. O delicious operation! And O shameful brother to reduce her to such joys! And, O Providence! may a po

followed some yards in the rear by John Raikes, advancing towards him. Now Polly had been somewhat delayed by Jack's persecutions, and Evan declining to

Miss Rose: she's had leave from her Ma. C

rk spirit, lo, Rose appeared, walking up the v

ke herself, R

an. You would not come t

say good-bye to you, Rose

st have made all clear. At least he could hardly have struck her true heart with his mise

Evan,-it i

not ask it if she trusted me: and answered he

t from any lips but yours

How could one who loved

rcely do good to mak

pted to fall on his knees to her with a wild outcry of lo

ence, gasping at the ba

e of John Raikes. 'When a lady and gentleman are talking

g up to him, seizing his collar, and instantly undergoing ignomi

ley, imperiously. 'Rose

ou are under m

Rose cast toward Evan with h

my letter?' he de

with you,' said Laxley, dr

t me to-day o

it of selecting

moved, but her eyes were hard shut, and nothing save her hand's strenuous pressure,

shed to Evan: 'Good-bye, and God bless you, dear Mr. Harrington. I'll f

sed her for this. Ere she was out of sight the fly rolled down the stree

the opiate. Conning gave it him in the form of

it, and nothing


ought of them through weary nights when the ghostly image with the hard shut eyelids and the quivering lips would rise and sway irresolutely in air till a shape out of the darkness exting

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