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Evan Harrington -- Volume 6


Word Count: 2839    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

k that he was shrinking, but cried out in him, 'Will you be believed?' and whispered that few would believe him guilty of such an act. Yet, while something said that full surely Lady Joc

above everybody, and try to walk like creatures with two legs, forgetting that we have but a pin's point to stand on up there. Probably the absence of natural motion inspires the prophecy that we must ultimately come down: our unused legs wax morbidly restless. Evan thought it good that Rose sho

rt of him? Had he not sworn never to ren

knot an instant, and they will all have play. And the worst is, that you may be wrong, and they may be right! For is it, can it be proper for you to stain the silv

Harrington, pray, of what sort of metal

d instantaneously by his experienced elders, but not before Evan's pride had answered him. Exalted by Love, he could d

s aspirations, for this stern duty, he at least would know that he made himself doubly worthy of her who abandoned him, and the world would scorn

up to the Christian light are happier, doubtless: but they are led, they are passive: I think they do not make such capital Christians subsequently. They are never in such danger, we kno

pick his knot with one hand and pull it with the other: but not finding Lady Jocelyn below, and hearing that she had retired for the night, he mounted the stairs, and the strife recommenced from the bottom to the top. Strange to say, he was almost unaware of any struggle going on within him. The sugge

vily, in a kind of march, as her habit was; her large fully- open grey eyes looking straight ahead. She would have passed him, and he would have let her pa

lyn was about to return a convention

r it's as bad as it can be. She

gs or farewells. In her bow to Evan, he beheld a lovely kindness more unique, if less precious, than anything he had ever seen on the face of Rose. Half exultingly, he reflected that no opp

owardice, he started to see Lad

ly in the morning. I may as well shake your hand now. We pa

bowed. 'I thank you, mada

ter if you don'

that of a request

ight to do s

ou have: I wish her t

philosophic lady thoug

ng a promise. If you ever have need of a frien

t this question more to dally w

elieves me in the night. I fancy my moth

e on Mrs. Bonner had nerved Evan: the contrast of her hypocrisy and vile scheming with this most open, noble nature, acted like a new forc

eally im

, madam, till

tain to the delirium? W

oncerns a piece of injustice done by you, ma

'Follow me into my dressing-ro

harsh savour of reality that conjured up this flighty being, who probably never felt a sorrow or a duty. The farce Jack lived was all that Evan's tragic bitternes

found that the four walls enclose

ted. Her brevity influence

Mr. Laxley, my lad

you kn

tions beset the wretched yo

in answer to Lady Jocelyn's singular ex

she looked, as he had seen her sometimes look at t

you come t

I cannot allow you

arth was y

t, flinching fro

adyship dropped into a ch

n was to her a confession. She tracked actions up to a motive; but one who came volunta

that letter to Mrs.

o avoid heari

him, and imitated Mr. Laxley's handwritin

s confirmation of it, and he

that premonitory sl

s. Evr

as the author of

all o

nly say that it's quite right you shou

. Had Mrs. Evremonde offended you? or Ferdinand-but one only hears of such practices towards fortunate rivals, and now you have come to undo what you did! I must admit, that taking the monstrousness

question gave him,

not be told that Ros

Evan, 'she m

to? But, if you like, I will not s

ight! I would not have her live a

d, and what was spoken from the mouth she accepted. Perhaps, also, she saw in the complication thus offered an escape for Rose, and was the less inclined to elucidate it herself. But if her intellect was baffled, her heart was unerring. A man proved guilty of writing an anonymous letter would not have been allowed to stand long in her room. She would have shown him to the door of the house speedily; and Evan was aware in his soul that he had not fallen materi

must tell you that I can't regret it. I would not have employed force with her, but I should have given her as strong a taste of the world as it was in my p

y,' said Ev

uld rat


ll want to speak to y

om her hands, but I

note was pitched high. Lady Jocelyn hummed till the so

ave you any tremen

hink I hav

y from a mad husband whom they won't shut up, and take shelter with a friend? Is that the cause? Mr. Forth

er see you again. I shall never meet one to treat me so generously. I leave you, blackened in character-you canno

his own to be especially so-he took her hand with petitioni

nd may have had the instinct that a peculiar virtue in this young one was the sprin

had to turn his

d tell Rose what you h


I beg that yo


bsolute wonder. A stranger to Love's cunning, she marvelled why

hen, she shall hear it

it will be mentione

I shall offer the satisfaction he ma

er philosophical ladyship, who held that man was a fi

the way, and then turn

nstead of hoping serenely, or fearing steadily, his spirit fell in a kind of abject supplication to Rose, and blindly trusted that she would still love even if she bel

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