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Even gods cry

Chapter 4 Something bad is coming

Word Count: 595    |    Released on: 16/10/2021


ng vehicles, the monthly sanitation exercise kept motor commuters at home. Their obedience to the sanitation wasn't because they liked it—nobody wanted to face the wra

tual t-trip?’ William fin

tically. His wife flashed him a long harsh grin

r son who now sat addled, bewildered better still, his left palm resting on his forehead as he gaze the white dump ceiling. He didn’t lik

ours is out of the blue. I’d be lying if I sa

your son.’ He shifted his gaze on his wife, with both hands ar

her of his petty quarrel over their son this morning. She turned to her son. ‘Wi

’s just that all this is happening soon

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the coinc

say, coincidence,’ s

eye, a sudden fear over his cou

our dream, isn’t

she put two and two together, and this time it gave four. His

riend knowing he had an exp

st a dre

him an ambivalent look. That was his cue t

s are nightmares, they never

ms in this life has come true. Joseph th

nded in his example. ‘But you won’t be lonely you know,’ J

and stole a quick glance at his

hink, Claire?’ Mr

ma,’ Claire an

at settle

ats William

mother got to the door

mention, we’re le

d William fe

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