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Even gods cry

Chapter 5 I can feel it

Word Count: 938    |    Released on: 16/10/2021


re fixed on Claire who laid plaint asleep on his bed. There can be no man in this world who would claim to co

written art works. He loved nothing more than his writings,


y head

nd in tur

ughts stea

t clouds

of graci

crest af

s wrath w

ner to


r lov

he fall


He pouted his lip, then made a cross sign which he usually does anytime he

ed briskly without taki

of the conversation. ‘How you dey? the voice echoe

tin do your voice, idiot, you don go kis

wo for where as

ghter then asked,


be lo

ring Claire join body

!’ Why C

eaving William dump founded. He never remembered having taken any of his past or

ay him, and by the way he had never liked much of Claire unlike he did his past lovers. He arranged

er up from sleep. ‘Get dr

with sleepy eyes. ‘You neve

a party at Charles’s place, and

n to get dressed. William watched her with awe, never had he

d William who was beginni

would say you look beautiful, even m

er change,’

r keys? I can’t remem

k the guest room, you proba

re he found the keys. He was about stepping out when his moth

ook and embraced. ‘How nic

t have been

r…’ Claire bro

a damsel here today, if not I wou

oke, except for William who was

charmer,’ Clai

this is Timilehin, my cousin,’ hi

cousin, especially a handsome

and maybe… just maybe he sees me as a treat,’ Timilehin laughed at his

ions and flatteries,’ Mrs. Bolu broke in. ‘Ti

s cousin. ‘I hope it’s not that your fia

t his joke, Timi l

ntend using your compound for the wedding reception. I asked mum and she said y

ats.’ Both embraced each other while Claire flashe

ements with you, about the or

ht now?’ Will

ok the lead. William swiveled back to check the time on the wall clock, it was an hour past noon. They w

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