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A freezing day in hell

A freezing day in hell


Chapter 1 A friend

Word Count: 984    |    Released on: 14/01/2021

e a nice day at

the hook and headed off to school. My name is Amand

d Henry, and his evil wife, Ashley. I lost my mom when I was sev

he kille

s going to make them both pay. They don't get to be happy when my mother's body is cold in the ground.


ers suck as well, aka prey on the weak girls. They gave me dirty looks but they knew not to mess with me, let's just say I might have taught them a thing or ten. Wi

eeding for the day, as I slammed my locker shut I sa

ared, she looked like she's had her ass kicked so many times she didn't know life without it. That girl was me a few years back and ever

ew scars to show

e 'ring leader' by her fake blonde hair and yanked hard, she screamed and fell to the ground. Yo

fuck you

nd as Astrid's girls

r, you see this pretty lady, none of you little fucke

her one of my signature 'you do


ll the way until she disap


inches taller at 5'7. She was brown skinned, so my guess is she's Latino, and she was quite beautiful too. Her

em. I'm Amanda,

Maya Sa

meet yo

. I don't exactly care for the bell but I don't think miss g


les. Turns out we're stuck togeth

ng smart comments, asking smart questions, making smart observations, you know, your regular nerd stuff. I could tell she was going t

all Maya talked about was the relativity theory or something that sounded like that. As she spoke,

y M


he first time you

pened a lot at my old school. That was why I had to tra

ming and that was not where I

I tell you that it won't e

ately like I just gave

lways pro

so so far from

m mean girls. And in exchange, you see to it that

it for a while, then she

I got one


get hurt during

ou don't enter a river and expect not to g

rse not

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