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Her Bidder (Savior or Villian)

Chapter 4 Episode 3 - (Who is he )

Word Count: 1991    |    Released on: 14/01/2021

business Little-Sparrow. For now, remember one thing that I don't want you to do any disrespectful thing here or else consequences will not be good, " he said in a dangerous tone on which S

oesn't want to eat anything; she just sat down on the bed with a thud. She can't be able to understand why they kept her here. By looking at their get-ups, she came to know that they are freaking rich. "Are they going to use me for their pleasure?" Swara thought, and a shiver ran down from her spine. "But they don't look that bad, " she thought with a frown. But later she realized that she could expect anything, because this is London, where these types of things are usual. Don't know how much time passed. Swara was sitting

me, " the guy said in a calm voice on which Swara held the knife more tightly in her both hands. "I don't want to stay here, let me go, " Swara said in strong tone on which guy did nothing, just chuckled a little after hearing her as if she said some joke. When Swara saw him coming nearer to her, she gets an anxiety attack. She was not getting what she should do now. She suddenly saw the knife and her wrist; she immediately put the knife on her wrist and said while looking towards him, "I'll kill myself if you didn't stop, " she said in a scared tone on which guy stopped on his track. But now also he had a blank expression. "Let me clear one thing, if you got saved after doing this stunt, then nobody will save you from me, " he said in a dangerous tone on which Swara gulped her saliva. Her mind was saying to stop, but her heart was saying to go ahead. She saw towards him, for a while, and without thinking twice, she cuts her wrist harshly. "Aahhhh, " she screamed in pain, and within minutes black dots start coming in front of her eyes because she was already weak. Guy, didn't take any further step. Swara held her head to stop the dizziness, but nothing helped, and she fell on the floor with a thud. When the British guy saw her unconscious, he came towards her, and while grabbing the hanky from his pocket, he tied around her wound. "Stupid girl, " he said and picked her up. He lay her down on the sofa and called the 1st man. He came after a few minutes, and saw towards Swara who was lying on the couch, unconscious. And there was blood on the floor. "What happened?" 1st man asked on which the British guy while cutting the call which he was doing to the doctor. "Nothing, she just tried to kill herself by cutting her wrist, " British guy said in a bored tone on which 1st man immediately went towards her, and saw a hanky tied on her wrist tightly. "Did you call the doctor, " he asked the British guy who just nodded his head while picking up one file from his table. "Don't go harsh on her after she would gain her consciousness, " 1st man said to him, as he knows it very well that after doing this stunt nobody will save her from him. "You stay out from this, " British guy said in a stern tone on which 1st man sighs, and gazes Swara. The doctor came and bandaged her wound. 1st man was standing near her when the doctor was doing her bandage. And the British guy was sitting on his study table, and reading one file. "She will be fine, give her something once she would gain her consciousness, " the doctor said and left from there. 1st man came towards the British guy and sat down in front of him on the other chair. "It's difficult to handle her, " 1st man said while gazing Swara. He followed his gaze and looked tow

ding his head went out. Swara felt an urge to stop him. Because after knowing th


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1 Chapter 1 Prologue2 Chapter 2 Episode 1 - (London)3 Chapter 3 Episode 2 - (Dreadful night)4 Chapter 4 Episode 3 - (Who is he )5 Chapter 5 Episode 4 - (Scared Kitten)6 Chapter 6 Episode 5 - (Becoming his fiancé)7 Chapter 7 Episode 6 - (How many shades he have )8 Chapter 8 Episode 7 - (A mysterious man)9 Chapter 9 Episode 8 - (You will be mine)10 Chapter 10 Episode 9 - (Harrison Macaulay Knight)11 Chapter 11 Episode 10 - (Meeting his Dad)12 Chapter 12 Episode 11 - (Giving it a try)13 Chapter 13 Episode 12 - (Missing Him)14 Chapter 14 Episode 13 (Shocking Revelation)15 Chapter 15 Episode 14 (Don’t run from your fears)16 Chapter 16 Episode 15 - (Hidden Secrets)17 Chapter 17 Episode 16 (His Claim)18 Chapter 18 Episode 17 - (scars can never be ugly)19 Chapter 19 Episode 18 - (I’m afraid of your anger)20 Chapter 20 Episode 19 - (Annoying brat of a brother)21 Chapter 21 Episode 20 - (Evil’s Plan)22 Chapter 22 Episode 21 - (Phoenix is what )23 Chapter 23 Episode 22 - (The rise of the Phoenix)24 Chapter 24 Episode 23 - (Good Vs Evil)25 Chapter 25 Episode 24 - (King’s Wrath)26 Chapter 26 Episode 25 - (Partying Away)27 Chapter 27 Episode 26 - (Suffering Alone)28 Chapter 28 Episode 27 - (Please! Take me back)29 Chapter 29 Episode 28 - (Thank You! For coming in my life)30 Chapter 30 Episode 29 - (Alexander Adrian)31 Chapter 31 Episode 30 - (For the first time)32 Chapter 32 Episode 31 - (King of Kings)33 Chapter 33 Episode 32 - (34 years ago)34 Chapter 34 Episode 33 - (Don’t stress yourself for me)35 Chapter 35 Episode 34 - (Drama Queen’s fiance)36 Chapter 36 Episode 35 - (Sanskar Sebastian Knight)37 Chapter 37 Episode 36 - (The silence before the storm)38 Chapter 38 Episode 37 - (the unforgettable day)39 Chapter 39 Episode 38 - (Happy Birthday Little Sparrow)40 Chapter 40 Episode 39 - (Will he forgive her )41 Chapter 41 Episode 40 - (Son!! It’s all because of your fiance)42 Chapter 42 Episode 41 - Pain behind her smile.43 Chapter 43 Episode 42 - (Is it cool to be a mafia king )44 Chapter 44 Episode 43 - (New entry)45 Chapter 45 Episode 44 - (Reunion)46 Chapter 46 Episode 45 - (He can even give his life for her)47 Chapter 47 Episode 46 - (Go and rot in hell)48 Chapter 48 Episode 47 - (Will You Marry Me )49 Chapter 49 Episode 48 - (Sacred Day)50 Chapter 50 Episode 49 - (Biggest Surprise)51 Chapter 51 Episode 50 (Claimed with Love)52 Chapter 52 Episode 51 - (Attacked by Giant Bears)53 Chapter 53 Episode 52 - (A bond of protection)54 Chapter 54 Episode 53 (The Island Fun)55 Chapter 55 Episode 54 - (sometimes silence is better)56 Chapter 56 Episode 55 - (You know her better)57 Chapter 57 Episode 56 - (I trust you)58 Chapter 58 Episode 57 - (You are not my brother anymore)59 Chapter 59 Episode 58 - (Finally! it’s all ended)60 Chapter 60 Episode 59 - (Everything is fine)61 Chapter 61 Episode 60 - (We love you too)62 Chapter 62 Episode 61 - (Her biggest fear is to lose him)63 Chapter 63 Episode 62 - (The End)64 Chapter 64 Epilogue