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Her Bidder (Savior or Villian)

Chapter 5 Episode 4 - (Scared Kitten)

Word Count: 2012    |    Released on: 14/01/2021

ofa in front of her. He gazes at her wounded hand, which she was clutching against her chest. "I told you th

d medicine for you, which you will take, showing no tantrum and attitude. Because, little s

, because, by his tone, she came to know that he was not lying or giving fake threats. Her hand was paining like hell, the wound was fresh, and she was using it for eating that's why she had to bear that pain. With great difficulty, she ate her food, and saw towards him who points towards the medicines kept near the tray. Swara took the tablets silently. "I know you are very curious to know why are you here, isn't it?" Seb said

ed her eyes in fear. "Seb what are you doing? Leave her, " Vidhant blurted while pulling him backwards. Swara hissed in pain because he had a tight grip on her arms. Seb was giving her a death glare while breathing heavily; Swara was standing with scared expressions. Vidhant, who saw his glares came in front of Swara to save her from his deadly stare. Seb glared at Vidhant and turned his face. "Take her out from here now, " Seb said, angrily, and storms out from the room. "Lou isko out karnay ka Keh kr khud he out ho giya, (He said to take her out, but he only went out)" Vidhant murmurs under his breath while shaking h

u feeling now?" Vidhant asked on which Swara said that she is better, but in actual she was feeling, as if her wrist was on fire. "Oh really, after cutting your wrist not over 12 hours back, you are saying that you are fine?" Seb said while entering the room, on which Swara felt her throat drying again. She can't take this man's presence near her after seeing this anger. "Seb, " Vidhant said while giving him a stern look on which Seb did nothing, just shook his head. "Swara these are some clothes for you, you go and fresh then we will talk, " Vidhant said, and dragged Seb outside. Swara took a sigh of relief after seeing him going. She changed her clothes and was sitting in her room when one maid came and told her that Mr Knight is calling her. Swara rubbed her sweaty palms on her jeans and followed that maid. They again came in Seb's study, and the maid left after dropping her in front of the door. She knocked on the door twice, on which she heard the "come in" sound from inside. She peeped inside and found Seb and Vidhant sitting on his study table. Vidhant saw her and called her while Seb just gave her an indifferent gaze. "What's with this man always shooting daggers towards me, " Swara murmurs under her breath. She came towards them and sat down on one chair kept near Vidhant, while Seb was sitting in front of them. "First drink this milk, then you will take your medicine, " Vidhant said wh

n the auction, so Seb sent me there, and when

sbehaved with them only. Seb said nothing; he just gave her a nod. "Is it illegal for him to talk?" Swara thought in her mind after seeing Seb. "Okay, if your doubts are clear then can I tell you the exact reason that why are you here?" Vidhant said on which Swara said yes. "You are here to become Sebastian fiancé, " Vidhant told her on which Swara who was sitting calmly, becomes numb on her spot. Her mouth hung down in shock. "What? What did you say?" Swara asked him again as she could not believe her ears about what she heard some seconds before. "You have to become fiancé of Sebastian Knight, " Vidhant said, this time a little loud on which she got up from her chair with a jerk. "Are you out of your mind? Hell will freeze when I have to become the fiancé of this fire-spitting dragon, " Swara said in an angry tone while shooting daggers towards Sebastian. Vidhant's


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1 Chapter 1 Prologue2 Chapter 2 Episode 1 - (London)3 Chapter 3 Episode 2 - (Dreadful night)4 Chapter 4 Episode 3 - (Who is he )5 Chapter 5 Episode 4 - (Scared Kitten)6 Chapter 6 Episode 5 - (Becoming his fiancé)7 Chapter 7 Episode 6 - (How many shades he have )8 Chapter 8 Episode 7 - (A mysterious man)9 Chapter 9 Episode 8 - (You will be mine)10 Chapter 10 Episode 9 - (Harrison Macaulay Knight)11 Chapter 11 Episode 10 - (Meeting his Dad)12 Chapter 12 Episode 11 - (Giving it a try)13 Chapter 13 Episode 12 - (Missing Him)14 Chapter 14 Episode 13 (Shocking Revelation)15 Chapter 15 Episode 14 (Don't run from your fears)16 Chapter 16 Episode 15 - (Hidden Secrets)17 Chapter 17 Episode 16 (His Claim)18 Chapter 18 Episode 17 - (scars can never be ugly)19 Chapter 19 Episode 18 - (I'm afraid of your anger)20 Chapter 20 Episode 19 - (Annoying brat of a brother)21 Chapter 21 Episode 20 - (Evil's Plan)22 Chapter 22 Episode 21 - (Phoenix is what )23 Chapter 23 Episode 22 - (The rise of the Phoenix)24 Chapter 24 Episode 23 - (Good Vs Evil)25 Chapter 25 Episode 24 - (King's Wrath)26 Chapter 26 Episode 25 - (Partying Away)27 Chapter 27 Episode 26 - (Suffering Alone)28 Chapter 28 Episode 27 - (Please! Take me back)29 Chapter 29 Episode 28 - (Thank You! For coming in my life)30 Chapter 30 Episode 29 - (Alexander Adrian)31 Chapter 31 Episode 30 - (For the first time)32 Chapter 32 Episode 31 - (King of Kings)33 Chapter 33 Episode 32 - (34 years ago)34 Chapter 34 Episode 33 - (Don't stress yourself for me)35 Chapter 35 Episode 34 - (Drama Queen's fiance)36 Chapter 36 Episode 35 - (Sanskar Sebastian Knight)37 Chapter 37 Episode 36 - (The silence before the storm)38 Chapter 38 Episode 37 - (the unforgettable day)39 Chapter 39 Episode 38 - (Happy Birthday Little Sparrow)40 Chapter 40 Episode 39 - (Will he forgive her )41 Chapter 41 Episode 40 - (Son!! It's all because of your fiance)42 Chapter 42 Episode 41 - Pain behind her smile.43 Chapter 43 Episode 42 - (Is it cool to be a mafia king )44 Chapter 44 Episode 43 - (New entry)45 Chapter 45 Episode 44 - (Reunion)46 Chapter 46 Episode 45 - (He can even give his life for her)47 Chapter 47 Episode 46 - (Go and rot in hell)48 Chapter 48 Episode 47 - (Will You Marry Me )49 Chapter 49 Episode 48 - (Sacred Day)50 Chapter 50 Episode 49 - (Biggest Surprise)51 Chapter 51 Episode 50 (Claimed with Love)52 Chapter 52 Episode 51 - (Attacked by Giant Bears)53 Chapter 53 Episode 52 - (A bond of protection)54 Chapter 54 Episode 53 (The Island Fun)55 Chapter 55 Episode 54 - (sometimes silence is better)56 Chapter 56 Episode 55 - (You know her better)57 Chapter 57 Episode 56 - (I trust you)58 Chapter 58 Episode 57 - (You are not my brother anymore)59 Chapter 59 Episode 58 - (Finally! it's all ended)60 Chapter 60 Episode 59 - (Everything is fine)61 Chapter 61 Episode 60 - (We love you too)62 Chapter 62 Episode 61 - (Her biggest fear is to lose him)63 Chapter 63 Episode 62 - (The End)64 Chapter 64 Epilogue