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Bright Fire

Bright Fire

Author: Syarlight

Chapter 1 I.

Word Count: 1233    |    Released on: 20/01/2021

for more than an hour now. She was busy with the papers again. With her li

ara?" Jennifer asked. She

er was preparing to leave. The rest

the coffee shop. It was almost eleven o'clock i

e was only her Auntie Carlota in the house. But then, she rarely saw

to take these paper

Jennifer hanged her backpack on her s

are, Je

the door. Then, silence was Clara's only company le

ll lonely on the inside. Everything she had was because of her Au

, but it would not be an easy quest. And Clara dreaded every time she thinks about how

tuff. She could not afford to fa

ill raining, but it was not as heavy as earlier. She fished the keys from her bag, and even befo

horror, and she dropped her

, " a man's muffled voice said. He was p

she was feeling at the moment. He was also reeking of alcohol. Clara

give you what yo

some of this, " said anoth

away from her. She caught her throat as she desperately gasped for air. The second man,

get up, and Clara saw his forehead bleeding as she struggled to stand straight. The man in black sat o

ned to

, " the man in b

ing hands. She swallowed and cleared her throat a

the man's side. The robber was alrea

e going to kill

ng in midair as h

Don't you want to get rid of a

not a crim

s he finally stood up.

aid anxiously. She tried to ho

g. I punch face

d get an

but no,

and and looked into his helmet-covered f

at on the dry pavement just in front of Aroma del Cielo

or saving me

t it aside. Clara stared at what she thought the

his mouth. His thick eyebrows complimented his eyes. And his nose looked perfectly

ng at?" he asked, r

n blushed in embarrassment. How coul

" he re

t small coffee shop." S

lanced at

Too fancy, " he

of them when I was putting up this busin

ce, he was staring at her.

ere something

e beau

focused on putting a

d at him. "This is just


rs as she tapped it ligh


at his face


u're too shy to

t giggle. "Too uncommon for a


r hand st

" he replied

shop when you are free tomorro

to see me again? I'm sorry, but I do


u're a heartbr

eautiful, but you look

ld for my taste, ei

obber to gain consciousness. Clara felt a littl

home. You're going to catch flu, " Fu

ct that. She could

u for rem

elmet and mount

you soon?"

e would

ked his motorcycle to life. He looked like a m

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