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Bright Fire

Chapter 4 IV.

Word Count: 1115    |    Released on: 20/01/2021

tiful niece. I have

eat across her. Clara strolled unenthusiastically toward her. She wa

breakfast in the garden.

trip. While I'm away, I want you to focus o

rinted photo of a handsome young man, probably in his late twenties. Clara blinked. W

hoto. He came home from the States. Lo

orced a

, Au

topics, everything. I want you to make a good impression on him during your first meeting. Remember, it is very i

he put the photo back

lara." Carlota caressed her face with her red-pai


you leavin

a week or more. That dep

break when you ha

. By the way, you'll be late

e envelope in her hand. She gave

urself, too, Aun

just s

She had said a thousand 'I love yous' to her

hoping and waiting that he'd show up in her coffee shop, but it

he envelope at the

her was missing. She missed Fuego so bad. She wondered if sh

stopped dead in her tracks as she instantly recognized the man in black,

d a beat the mom

ually as if he was no

ry the moment he spoke. S

ally you?"

ot about me alr

have yo

m here. Aren't you happ

elt relieved. Her heart di

ce. There was a glint of concern in

at the warmth

if I say I just missed

do miss y

They sat in their usual place inside the coffee

ot remember the last time someone's effort touched her. And t

iness out-of-town. I got caught up wit

oing back? May

at her with

ur pardon

ursed h

. I want to go far from here. I want to escape f

e from

o that for me? If you ca

hand and squeezed it, "is ther

es. Fuego was not a stranger to her anymore, but she did no

et. I'm sorry."

in and caught her eyes. "Are you

ed like

s make an a

ace l


ed a lingering kis

the sensation. No man had ever kissed her before.

" Clara implored. She had packed her bags. She had entrusted the coffee shop to Jenn

me, Clara. This would be the first time for you to brea

n relief and g

Rosa. You'

you'll hav

ara pulled a

cupped her cheek and smiled. "

as she walked

, and she was surprised that he

e going to use

ford to risk your health, Clara." He t

ll rugged and masculine, but he was one of

you g



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