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My Ex Double Life

Chapter 2 Encounter

Word Count: 1061    |    Released on: 25/01/2021

sed on the bed a bit, then Rake came to her mind, so she raced to the living

fully stared at the comforter folded nice

and sob for a few minutes when a not

e caused you. I also hope you can forget about me and move on with your life and find so

cape her eyes as she let th

hy you left me and my heart broken. Yet, just like that, you disappear without a trace, and I am left picking myself up and putti

f out of the depressing state she was

I have to deal with that fact. Now

Ava then looked in the mirror, and her eyes looked kind of puffy because of all the crying she did. There were black circles ar

into her room, and a few minutes later, Ava came back down dressed up in her bu

for breakfast on the counter. Ava stared at the blueberry pancakes

other memory of you stuck in my brain.' She thought as she d

e, she set down her mug and approached the counter, to

he mumbled, feelin

yes focused on the vehicle's windshield as she tried her best to admire

rom the window and relaxed against th

s up?" Ava

ppened? You know that you can tell your best friend anything,

e home la

t! W

I am so confused and upset. I thought that I was over him, and now all I want i

again, and she could not s

know. You've been through this before, and you came out

ently smiled as the black and white color disappeared,

m's exciting tone f

asked out

er for karaoke night.

a date

a and Gem's phone conversation ende

me as she walked into the

and the first thing she did wa

t?" One of her wor

va replied befo

the finance department when

nally finished it." An

Ava said with a

. Okay, good


rried in. She has been working on her financial report for days now, and today was

elevator finally stopped on the eleventh floor. She stepped out and walked toward the CEO's c

in and noticed that a gun pointed directly at her

stared confusedly at each other with

nally accepted that this was reality and t

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