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My Ex Double Life

Chapter 5 Can I keep you safe

Word Count: 1012    |    Released on: 25/01/2021

lped Ava out of the car. Once her feet were stable on the green

slowly slip of Ava's arm as he sta

out as a man with blond

oss." Jax

pay him much attention since she was mad at Rake. H

pretty thing

wrong place at the wrong time." Ra

to take her t

w about her! I will

, so you call t

Rake and Jax disgusted her, and what troubled her more is how Rake's attitude had instantly changed. Sh

ng on, Rake?

stared into his brown eyes that h

g, Rake?" Jax aske

" Rake replied with

r chest as the truth settled in her head. She wished what Rake had said was nothing

ave some money for him. Wire whatever

g, boss."

lled her away from Big D and Jax, then

f me!" Av

urned his focus back to Ava, and she could see that Rake was back to his old self again. He had an a

trust his current personality because so much had happened in less than

me. We don't have a long-term history, and you never

ed, and yet, she

warm liquids dripped out of her eyes and down her face. In that instan

ake soft

ed her hand away from him as she stared i

al name. Oh, and never loved you, of course, I never loved you because I was in love with a man that never existed! Don'

hose words, she could not bri

face, but she couldn't since she

you want." Rake whispered as he gently

he driver, and he has left

es away from them, and in that instant, Rake

go." Ra

t glancing at him. He then followed

r. The pilot then lifted the helicopter off the gr

t, but she kept her focus on the

r to you, boss?" Jax asked after notici


, and she becomes a pretty devil when she gets upset. Plus, your da

I don't need

k good to lady Belle, and your father won't be happy either about it, so keep your eye

t under c

e looked his way. The moment their eyes met,

ahead of us?' He thought as Ava faintly smiled a

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