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Foul Play

Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 2333    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

ked down on the ground with a very re

means my mistress," replied Wilson, rathe

ow at this time of night?" And the harsh tone in which this question was put showed Seaton h

o my question," said

e answer I sh

u over to the officer

t he added more gently, "you will be so

ber had no beard. Miss have never noticed Seaton's face, but his beard she have; and, oh, if y

through Wilson. His sullen air relaxed, the water stood in his eyes, he smiled affectionately, and said in a low, tender voice, "Tell her I heard some bad characters talking about this house-that was a month ago-so e

pointed downward, with her eyes glaring; and a little blood w

t, Tom, in the business-like accent

" then, fixing his eyes on General Rolleston, he said, in a voice that broke dow

character. He hung his head in silence a moment; then, being discontented with himself, he went into a passion with his servants for standing idle.

to his daughter and asked her if she saw any objection to

never noticed his face, only his beautiful beard glittering in the sunshine ever so far off. Poor young man! Oh, yes, papa

of enthusiasm from his staid daughter,

m immediately and stop

nk you had better not. I h

this with due ridicule at first; but she gave him one reason after another till she staggered him, and he went d

er some photographs to see if James Seaton was "

xham," said he, "this poor fellow has behaved like a man, and got himself wounded in my service. You are to ta

how he could get rid of this young madman and yet befriend him. As for Sarah Wilson, she went to bed discontented and wondering at her own bad judgment. She saw too late that if she had held her tongue S

e lifted up her hands in amazement. "What could papa be thinking of to send our benefactor to a hospital?" And, after meditating awhile, she directed Wil

know, formed part of this young lady's character. Soup, wine and jell

redit to herself. By this means she obtained the patient's gratitu

rue to the cold beauty he had served so we

but bitter medicine. She sat down beside him one day, and said cheerfully, "We

ned his eyes wi


didn't you know, she is

o be married?"

him with a re

"did you think the likes of her woul

and lay back like one dead, utt

severity, "Come, my good girl, no doubt you mean well, but you

unced out and left the

is bed and gossiped away, talking of ever

d his hand on her arm directly, and looking

she lo

lson. "Well, she doesn't hate him, I

n't trifle with me!

e between her and other young ladies. Miss is very fond of her papa, for one thing; and he favors the match. Ay, and she likes her partner well enough. She is brighter like, n

zed creature under vivisection; but the woman, spurred by jealo

me and rich and he dotes on her. If you are really he

er awhile he got strength to say, "I know I ought, I know it

be bound you have heard of h

in bed. "Who? Ward

on. Leastways he manages the whole concern now, I he

ed James Seaton, with his eyes glaring

n recoiled

aton. "Never, while I live. I'll th

interrupted by a rush of nurses and attendants, and W

d after her, accompanied with a look


refused admission by order of the head surg

and, having a piece of news to communicate to Seaton with

al this morning,

t, c

ve cured worse

e gone to? P

iry was made. But the rep

e, had swift misgivings of mischief to come. She was take

tremble; for that tongue of hers had laun

home, and, coward-like, sai

were to be alone for a certain reason; and he came half an hour befo

male property; and young ladies like that sort of property, especially when they see nothing to dislike in it. He loved her passionately, and that was her due, and pleased her and drew a gentle affe

bounded the lawn, a man lay crouched in t

, dear. The poor man, Seaton, who fought the robbers and was wounded-papa says he is

d, I am sure. A line to White & Co. w

id Helen; and lifted her f

d. Two faces met for a single moment, and o

wner of those eyes did not hear the words that earn

a short but narrow and tortuous lane. This situation had tempt

t way on leaving Gene

om the hedge. Seaton got behind these at about ten o'clock and

t the top of which he had written "Sydney," and the day of the month and year, leaving the rest blank. And he had the re

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