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My Sweet Seduction

My Sweet Seduction

Author: QueenVie

Chapter 1 No.1

Word Count: 1212    |    Released on: 22/07/2021


e waiting. I stared intently at the people inside the church who seemed to be in a commotio

between the knocks

he window for her. “Mo

first. That’s where I got nervous. I s

. He must be here early. He i

of the road. I will try to call him,” I said quickly and nervously fi

l do it, but one thing enter

I don’t care if people in the church look at me. I imme

Lester,” I said betw

we can’t contact his cellphone,”

ar. He can’t embarrass us here

en harder. Then I le

inched my arm. I feel like heaven and earth have fallen on me. Tears we

ghtly and cried like I did. “Margaux, calm down. Maybe

away my tears, then held out my

wait a little more. Maybe h

peaking again. “In your condition now, you’re defi

*cking car key!” I s

bit her lip. She finally reached for h

ad called me

s car. I saw their attempt to chase, but I pulled

, Mom and Dad

pointed them this time. If I could just turn back time, I w


family with him, but what he just did? W

ly was embarrassed in front of many pe

ee years we’ve been together. He often makes an effort himself because I am too busy at work. He

t the one who sud

!” I was shocked when the car

lurted out be

wearing a gown, but to hell I ca

is road, and you have no right to suddenly stop in the mi

man wearing sunglasses. He was breathtaking in his white polo shirt and

hase you on the road!” the dr

he jeep laughed and some

t me at our wedding, and I was chasing him?

nd confronted the man who ha

e road?! What if I don’t step on the brake right away?!” I want to expre

did not

of relief and narrowed my eyes at

id. You are the one who is at fault for cu

So I’m sti

swallowed a few times. When I gazed up at him, I wa

I’m late, Miss Runawa

ard. What did

stopped in the middle of the roa

e your car has no damage. Unless . . . yo

r when a traffic enf

problem here?” asked the man in u

e man in sunglasses confidently answered.

ady interfering with the flow of traffic,” the enfo

the shoulder. He turned his gaze at me before he shrugged his shoulders. “As for you, Miss, you might be late for yo

at what

ver his car and even pulled h

nothing but go back inside my car. “You a

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