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My Sweet Seduction

Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 1045    |    Released on: 22/07/2021


ier in the office

sked while slicing the grilled pork chop on my plat

u to wear something a little daring,”

id might beat you up. You should be the on

eous for me just because Carrick thinks so.” She

eyes and contin

y. Carrick’s cousin is with you to fit his too. Oh, best

to be linked to boys yet. I want to focus

e seems to be single now. Although, from what I heard, he’s a c

boy.” I lightly

him at their family reunion, and Carrick took

d continued eating; see


ing. Lucky to have a generously propor

ust matched it with skinny black jeans and a white stiletto. I let my wavy hair blow ov

I greeted the recepti

ning, Mis

y alread

she seems to be on th

a lot of dresses and mannequins displayed near the glass window. I can say Cindy

caught my attention. A man in his late twenties, wearing a blue long sleeve pol

when I saw the man C

Miss Cindy Fajardo?”

Saavedra?” Lenny asked


ant coffee or tea first?” she offe

Lenny had done. Why didn’

he man said in a baritone voice and

iately faded from her lips, and

because Lenny’s st


man who was now staring at me. I quickly divert my eyes to the gowns in fro

he g

angular face, dark brows, expressive pair of eyes, and heart-shape

mile for?” I a

just . . . what

eyes and i

llowed her gaze as I spoke to Lenny. I think the two are getting along well with

in and removed my su

step out of

aving?” Lenny asked me wit

hen the antipathetic man w

eting with Cindy because I ha

just tell Ma’am Cindy when she ar

car and rushed into it, but I just sat there. I can’t unde

the ignition but was surprised to hea

a big smile on Cindy’s face.

t you going to measure your gown now

edule it? But don’t worry, Lawrence is there,

What can you say? Isn’t he han

e! I whispered at

I replied before res

ng to fit your gown today?” s

n’t have a meeting to go to. I jus

for today,” I said, turning off the en

she hugged me tightly. “T

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