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His Saved Slave

Chapter 2 Evil Stare

Word Count: 1291    |    Released on: 26/02/2021


herself. Leila was unable to understand the taunts in Cara's sweet tone, she was unable to catch the

ut knowing the fire of jealousy burning in Cara's heart. Cara wants her out of t

ars ago but Cara didn't want to co

own country. She was trying to convince her husband to

she got married to Danny but she never accepted that Danny is living w

r so annoyed. She petitioned that it never happens again... But this time her evil wishes didn't go in vain, but they were granted and it was going to be the downfall

e slow music was playing in the background. Car

e doesn't look happy. Leila got worried. She ran towa

here? Come let's dance."

feel like dancing." Cara sa

you fine?" Leila asked

ache. Don't worry! You go,

e music off. You can go take rest." Leila sa

It's your day. You can enjoy it. AND if you will call off the party, you know your brother wil

odded her head. She just wanted to

back soon..." Leila said. Cara nodded

ispered starting Leila one more tim

th a sad smile on her face

did she leave? Anyth

hould call off the party brother, you

ill be fine. Now, smile and enjoy. Mom, Dad will be he

time went by, it's been half an hour

he was not answering. Anna's father was a close friend to Leil

where they have gone. Anna and Leila were trying to call on Leila's phon

trying to think of all the positive aspects. They are fine. Yes,

s also the same. He was p

e worried waiting

sed faces, they left their house

going out to look for them..."

ck I will inform you." She said with a shaking heart. Her face that was s

of the house. But, the mobile in his hand suddenly starts ringing. Lei

pick up." Leila s

h of relief then

!" He

re?" He asked; he didn't rec

coming from the phone speaker. Someone answer from the

one sucked all the blood from hi

firm it. Maybe, he heard wrong. When the person again

with an expression th

Where are mom and dad?" Leila shook h

hook hi

. It can not happen!" H

. Please, tell me what happe

gged her with hi

hem died on the spot." He said. Leila felt his voice coming from a deep dark pit. She doesn'

e was hugging her close but she was not hearing anything, the first

hitting it with a heavy hammer. She wanted to cry so much! She wanted to shout and stop her brother from saying these things... But she was not feel

lp. The car comes out of her room hearing the screams of her

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