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His Saved Slave

Chapter 5 Another Shock

Word Count: 1339    |    Released on: 04/03/2021

la p

would be ended after the death of my parents. I was feeling like all the things in the world stopped

ther was taking care of me. But he also has to left for work. Cara was beginning so str age with me. She doesn't talk to me. She

ed and cried for hours but I got nothing... My mind starts accepting

. I have to start living a normal life again, although I don't think my life would

use of me, I don't want them to see th

o go talk to my brother, I want to tell him that I will be joi

the bed then tied my lose hairs in a bun. I look at myself in the mirror. Is it me? I sighed! The dark circles under my eyes were

. I wiped the tears the

geous deed with him, I was close and I was going to ope

. Would you go with me or stay here with your sister?" She sa

me." I heard my

dead. I thought we will be leaving the country that's why I gave you the surprise with these plane tickets..." I heard h

e sister, I can not leave her here." I felt a little relieved hearing my brother, I never thought Cara would say somethi

ng all my senses heightened to

y. Leila is not a child anymore, she can live here alone. She is an adult now... I dont want a

out her. But I wanted him to convince her to stay with us.

you will leave me?" I heard

e." My brother said. I felt as someone pours a bu

oose between me, your child and your sister." Cara said. I heard my heart shatter in pie

? I haven't told her anything, she is still in the trauma of our parent's." I heard the low volume of my brother, I

me then go and tell her everything. So, we can leave in three days..." I put a hand over my mouth to s

my eye and come out of this bad dream. I pinched my hand so hard but noth

k I wouldn't be able to tolerate any

ll he say... But I have to gear him. I have to let him go and live his life. I


e heard his phone ringing. He picked up

y." He said. Damien yawned th

d you call so early?" He as

e residential area of Dawn Street? You t

o land was empty. So, what about it

rare if people sale their house there. If you say I can go an

it. If they will agree we will buy the land for the cafe."

the clock, 9:45 am. Okay, he will sleep for a few h

Damien thought then l

ment for me to write. Make sure to comme

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