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The Vampire Prince`s Gifted Mate

Chapter 4 NO.4

Word Count: 566    |    Released on: 01/03/2021


ecorated room. There was a plasma TV and even some cozy sofas to sit on. This made me think why I am

how he had tri

, I was going to Kill him! I hoped that he had not done any

e I could finish shouting to myself, I became distracted by

olden color to them. There was even two guards standing at the gate

me in, wearing maid clothes and holding a tray of food. I stared a

spian has requested that I serve you breakfast when

mouth wide open because she just b

in my whole life as I ju

n my stance realizing that I had phoned him for help. But also

re is Caspian so he can take me home." but secretly I wan

in some meeting so you're going to have to wait

I will wait for him and

madam." sh

I told her that because the name Madam was creep

omes. But then again I also wanted him to be late so I could

fter then she looked at me and said 'Breakfast is served

ed to join me as the food was too much. She first refused but

ting together and

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